Faith Moves My World
I never had the guts to speak to Guruji. I used to make plans about things I would ask him, things I would tell him when I would meet him.
I never had the guts to speak to Guruji. I used to make plans about things I would ask him, things I would tell him when I would meet him.
The biggest u-turn of my life started when I met Guruji. Initially, I was not aware of what He really is, so when I did my first Art Excel course eight years back, I never realised the importance of it.
Today, my heart overflows with tears of gratitude, and my life is abundant with grace. For more than two decades, my family and I endured financial struggles.
In March 2013, Sri Sri was scheduled to visit Mumbai for 5 days. I was very eager to have him in my city and wanted everyone to be in his presence.
This happened at the Vasad Ashram in Gujrat in 2012 during the Diwali Advance course. First of all, the course was not supposed to happen that year.
My whole family and I were returning from the Bangalore Ashram after an Advance Course during Navratri in 2007. We got HIS darshan peacefully.
When I decided to go for my advance course to Bangalore,at that time,I had no place to stay here in Mumbai,as I decided to move out from the place where I was staying.I had looked for another place but the owner said that I would have to share the room and that also it will be available only after 5th June.I packed my stuff,kept at my friends place,some bags in my friends car and boarded the flight for Bangalore.
In engineering college, I used to avoid interactions with teaching staff and other students except a chosen few in order to hide my ailment.
We are from the organization named ‘Dreamz Home’ based at Malad in Mumbai. We are not followers of Art of Living but we have had one such miracle which made us believe that it has happened only because of Sri Sri Guruji.
JGD, I had a deadly incident recently.On 29th October, 2012 I had gone for Vikram Bhaiya’s satsang to Belapur. On the way back home, the bus was travelling at a very high speed, which ofcourse was enjoyable.
Couple of years ago, there was a phase in my life where I was not making any good money for myself.
Hi, Guruji had designed a very beautiful course called the “blessings course”, After the Tsunami catastrophe Guruji came up with the blessing course program where He trained teachers and participants to become blessers.
My Mum suffers from old age and amnesia. Since it was difficult to manage her at home in a small house along with my daughter who is in college and I being a working woman, we had to confine Mum in a Private Clinic.
One of the best experiences of my life was when Guruji came to Mumbai in 2011, mid January,and the best part was my birthday too came on 15th January.
I was suffering from facial warts. Warts are small projections on the skin caused by the human papilloma virus. Homeopathy is known to be the only treatment for them.
I was never a big follower of any Guru. The whole concept was alien to me. My elder sister on the other hand was devoted to Guruji.
This was the time when my elder daughter Aparna was in the tenth standard.She is an intelligent and hardworking girl, but the marks she got never used to match with her intelligence and efforts.She used to get dejected because of this.When she was in the lower classes, I wasn’t bothered much about her marks but now she was in Tenth grade which is a crucial year for any student.It is the First stepping stone of her career !!!
I am an Art of Living devotee since the past few years. This miracle happened to my mother, who is also a devotee.
During the silver jubilee celebrations, I was the only one from the 20 participants of my Part-1 Course, who could attend the celebrations in Bangalore!
26th july 2005 is the most unforgettable day for me. My husband and I were in office when it started pouring and by the time we packed up we could sense the fate of our own house which was on ground floor.
Below is an account of my personal interaction with Sri Sri followed by an opportunity to interact with Him open for one and all –
My daughter was born in 1991. Though she was a normal child during birth, a minor part of her brain got damaged due to convulsions on the second day itself.
I owe everything to my poor but religious and loving parents who had migrated empty handed from Pakistan during partition. We were regular in attending kirtans and satsangs anywhere close to our place where we stayed and everyday would read Bhagwat Gita, Shrimad Bhagwat, Sukhmani and I respected each and every religious and holy book as well as the Gurus.
This incidence happened a few months before the Art of Living Foundation’s Silver Jubilee Celebrations and here is the recap… Looking back at the last few days in my life, I wonder if I’m still alive or this is just a dream I am still sailing through.
Jai Guru Dev- this is my personal mantra now since 4 years and nine months. My journey in Art of Living began very reluctantly.
Last year I went to Ashram for Winter Break (YES+ Advance) with Bawa and Dinesh Bhaiya. I started my journey from Delhi with 25 friends and we enjoyed this to the fullest.
The International Bloggers Conference is one of the best mediums for upcoming blogger enthusiasts who would like to share their views, thoughts and opinions to a wide range of audiences across the world.
For me, my family is everything. My sister’s kids are my kids. I want them to be good human beings and ardent followers of Guruji.
Since my childhood, I have been very spiritual. I am a devotee of Lord Shiva, but there was something which was lacking.
Recently, when Guruji had come to Poona, I had a burning desire to meet him. I had gone for the event with a lot of hope and excitement.
I don’t believe in Miracles; I rely on them. It was February 2011 and all were volunteering for the upcoming YES!+ course to be taken by Bawa and Dinesh bhaiya which was followed by YES!+ DSN and Sahaj Samadhi Course.
Being with Guruji has been like a blessing and dream come true. During Seva, many Nav Chetana Shibirs came my way, and I had the privilege to do 9 shibirs back to back in a span of three months.
I am one of the most fortunate people who got the opportunity to do advance course in Bangalore ashram IN THE PRESENCE OF BELOVED GURUJI.
There was a time in my life when the only thing that used to go on in my mind; how to commit suicide.
I really don’t know where to start from when it comes to sharing miracle stories because they are endless. Life itself is a MIRACLE after meeting Guruji.
It was a hot summer after noon and I was with an Art of Living teacher’s residence for lunch. One teacher said- “Isn’t it hot and humid today?” This made someone pour water all over the floor, making it cool.
My first meeting with Guruji was so beautiful & surprising. I had gone to meet Guruji at the place where he was staying not knowing that the meeting with him is only open to teachers.
24th December, 2011 in Bombay is a day I will never forget. My brother had made me in charge of the main security gate from where Guruji was to come and go.
A fairy tale, a sci-fi movie, call it whatever you may like, this incident completely changed my life and made me realize what it means to have faith on the Divine.
I did my First Yes Course in May 2008 (after appearing for 10th board exams) I was an average student and after every exam my parents used to tell me same thing that if I would have studied then I would have scored much better marks.
I would like to share one of my experiences with Guruji. On the 13th of May, 2011, Guruji was in the Bangalore Ashram for his birthday celebrations.
When I started the part 1 course, my main purpose was weight loss but I got much more than that. From my 1st day to the 6th day- I was washed every minute.
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