Guruji Saved me At The Right Time

26th july 2005 is the most unforgettable day for me. My husband and I were in office when it started pouring and by the time we packed up we could sense the fate of our own house which was on ground floor. Once we reached there, we couldn’t enter because of the waist-deep water. We were forced to stay at my in-laws place for 2-3 days. Once the water level went down, [highlight]we could see everything in our house being washed away[/highlight]. We were left with only our scattered world in front of us. It had taken us 15 long years to bind the things here and it all came trembling down in just 15 minutes. My husband decided to leave that place once and for all and take our daughter along with us since he too silently suffered separation from her.

When I lost all hope, about a month later during the 1st week of September 2005, I came to know about Art of Living. I was encouraged by some volunteers that the course will help me navigate my life. Although I wanted to get rid of my sufferings, I was fearful of not being able to complete the 6 day course. However, another devotee who volunteered on this course assured me that nothing of this sort will happen. Even after assurances from volunteers, there was fear, doubt and depression in my mind. I had no support and even my husband opposed it. Finally, without informing my in-laws, I started this course as any other course. I had no hopes of any positive outcome but just wanted to listen and accept what the teacher has to say.

On the second day of the course, we were asked to close our eyes for 40-45 minutes and follow the Sudarshan Kriya chanting. I thought it would be impossible for me but I closed my eyes and started chanting. I could not sit even for a few minutes and felt as if all the pains, sufferings  of my mind have come together and all of sudden I found there is no place for them within me anymore. I started vomiting where I was sitting and suddenly opened my eyes and asked my teacher for help. The volunteers immediately took me to the washroom and helped me to remove the years of garbage inside me and they were with me throughout. They asked me to rest and not to worry even though I could not complete the Sudarshan Kriya. This was the end of my sufferings and beginning of a new era for me. I became totally hollow and empty. From the next day of the course, I was glowing and everybody complimented me for this new beginning.

After we had lost everything in the July 2005 flood, we started searching for a place far away from this one to avoid further problems. We had a small budget for buying a 1BHK flat but nothing was materializing. I knew Gurudev had the best house in store for me. One day, we came to know about a 2BHK flat in the heart of the city. We decided to at least see this flat and then think about the money required. But once we witnessed it we immediately realized that this is our [highlight]Dream House[/highlight]. We gave an advance of Rs. 50,000 and the house was ours. In January 2007, we took the possession of it.

Jai Gurudev!

Niharika Shirolkar



  • Ananya Sharma
    12 years ago

    he loves us a lot!

  • sushila
    12 years ago

    pls save my house which isin sewri $ kalyan

  • Sonali Kakde
    12 years ago


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