

Yes, he is My Guru

I did the Happiness Program in 2004, and I started attending the weekly follow-up sessions after the course. I always had a soothing, peaceful feeling each time, and there was a natural cheerfulness and feeling of being healthy at all levels, even if I wasn’t mindfully aware of it.

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Sudarshan Kriya saved me from clinical depression

Sudarshan Kriya Saved me from clinical depression

Few years ago, I suffered from clinical depression. The doctors had prescribed me anti-depressants. My family and friends were reluctant about my taking anti-depressants due to its side effects and addictive tendencies. It was at that time Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar showered His blessings on me!

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Love Beyond Infinity

There is a famous song, whose lyrics are “ When you meet the one that you’ve been waiting for And she’s everything that you want and more You look at her and you finally start to live for someone else And then you find yourself, yeah, thats when you find yourself.” I felt the same in 2008, but it wasn’t a boy or girl, it was my MASTER –

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Faith Can Move Mountains

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

This is Leena Singh from Mumbai. I am a part-time model & actress. I did my first AOL course in January, 2007, & became a devotee soon after the course. I do the Kriya daily without fail, & I have done almost 16 advance courses with Guruji's Grace. The Sudarshan Kriya really helped me smoothly sail through the hardships of life. What Guruji did for me cannot be described in mere words. Recently one big miracle happened in my life, which really shocked me and made me realise the vastness of my Masters' Grace. My husband Rakesh, had once gone to a doctor for some hair treatment. Before starting the treatment, the doctor asked him if he has any health issue, or if there was anything that made him feel uncomfortable.

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Divine Dreams

Jai Gurudev to all, Four years back I had a severe viral attack. I was taking treatment but there was no improvement in my condition. To my utter dismay, the situation worsened to herpes attack. One of my facial nerve could not be diagnosed in time and this led to a facial paralysis attack. These were very tough times of my life. I had almost lost all hope of proper recovery. Because of late diagnosis, the neurologist believed that only 60-70% of the face could be restored back to its normal condition. Waves of depression had started to grip my mind.

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Guru, Grace, Gratitude!

Sri Sri Ravishankar

On the 27th of October, 2014, I was blessed with the birth of a baby boy, my son. But on the same day, we were informed that the baby's food canal was blocked, as the baby was not in-taking Milk. Due to this, the Milk was flowing out from his nose and mouth. This was a very grave situation for me and my entire family. We were all shocked as to how such a tragedy could happen to a child who is just one day old on this planet. But there was no answer to our questions. A feeling of deep helplessness gripped me. Our Doctor advised for surgery, in order to open the baby's blocked canal, as that was the only option left. The Doctor also told us that this surgery would be risky and critical, and would have 50-50 chances of saving the baby.

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Diwali Special – Sri Sri My Sparkle

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

This is Anuj Khanijau from Mumbai. I did my first AOL course in January, 2005. From being a firm non believer till I met Guruji in 2003, to date : it has been a journey that even I find difficult to fathom. For some unknown reason, even though reluctant to carry on, I kept continuing the practices, on account of my commitment to the teacher during the course. Again reluctantly, my legs started pulling me onto one Advance (Part 2) course after the other. I knew I was losing control and Someone was taking over, but for a weird reason, I did not mind this happening, right to the point of walking into a TTC (Teacher's Training Course)!!!

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My Shield

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

It was about 10 years back that I did my first Art of Living Course. Meanwhile, I had been facing several problems in my personal life, especially on the health front, which was one of my main motives to do this course, which I had already heard so much praise about. No doubt, the course lived up to every bit of my expectations, and I had a truly wonderful experience, mainly while learning the ever so powerful technique called the Sudarshan Kriya!

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Master Stroke

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

I've had several amazing experiences since Gurujis’ presence in my life. I ask a question in my mind and pat comes the answer. I'm out of town thinking of Him, and there He appears on some random channel, at some random time, while I'm flipping the channels. I cannot count these occasions - there are just so many. But there was one incident that really resonates in my heart, and truly makes me feel that while there is the Divine in everyone, Gurus like Sri Sri are drenched in the Divine spirit.

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Always Protected

Sri Sri

The best thing that has ever happened to me is my first Art of Living course. I did the course in 2005 and fell in absolute love with Gurudeva and Kriya on the second day itself.

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Saving Grace

Sri Sri

My name is Lakshmi and I am an AOL teacher from Bangalore. I would be pleased to share one of the miracles that occurred in my life, and truly made me realize the power of the Divine.

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Presence Of My Master

Sri Sri

The day was August 23, 2013. It was supposed to be just another ordinary Friday at work. Just as I was about to leave for office, I decided to go for an Ultrasound test of my stomach.

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A Helping Hand

Sri Sri Helping Hand

It was the summer of 2007. I got a call from my Friend and Business Associate, Mr. Ameer Ali Khan residing in Lahore, Pakistan who informed me that one of our customer’s Brother in Law, from Chiniot, Pakistan, had to undergo a Liver Transplant at the Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi (capital of India) .

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So What!

So What! Sri Sri Miracles

I had two angioplasties in 2004 and 2006 and thus remained on medication for 4 years. In January 2008, I did the Advance Course (my 6th one) in Ghoom with Sejalji.

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He Is Always There

My Mum suffers from old age and amnesia. Since it was difficult to manage her at home in a small house along with my daughter who is in college and I being a working woman, we had to confine Mum in a Private Clinic.

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Guruji Gave Me Strength

I owe everything to my poor but religious and loving parents who had migrated empty handed from Pakistan during partition. We were regular in attending kirtans and satsangs anywhere close to our place where we stayed and everyday would read Bhagwat Gita, Shrimad Bhagwat, Sukhmani and I respected each and every religious and holy book as well as the Gurus.

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Our Angel

A fairy tale, a sci-fi movie, call it whatever you may like, this incident completely changed my life and made me realize what it means to have faith on the Divine.

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