

ऊर्जाविहीन से ऊर्जापूर्ण

A fire that lit my faith

कृपा ही केवलम,कृपा ही केवलम। कृपा ही केवलम, शरण्ये। शरणागतहम, शरणागतहम। शरणागतहम, शरण्ये।। जय गुरु शरणम, जय गुरु शरणम। जय गुरु शरणम, शरण्ये।। जय गुरुदेव!!! 

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The Light in the Dark


When I find myself lost in the darkness of life, You are the light that guides me through strife. When I’m plagued with doubts and fears, You bring the certainty that dries my tears.

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