From Darkness of Jail to the Bliss at Guru’s feet

By Dinesh Gurjar

I was once a hard-core criminal, a man who had lost his way completely. For years, I committed serious crimes, one after the other, without even realizing what I was doing or where my life was heading. My story took a drastic turn when I was arrested in 1999, caught with illegal arms in Delhi, and sent to Tihar jail. It was in that dark place where a new light entered my life. The light that I first experienced during my first Sudarshan Kriya session has since flooded my entire life with brilliance and grace.


After serving a sentence of four years, I had escaped and been on the run for ten long years, committing crime after crime. It had become my way of life. But when I was arrested in 1999 and sent to Tihar jail, I was introduced to the Art of Living program. At that time, I had no idea how much this simple program would change me. During my very first Sudarshan Kriya, something extraordinary happened—I had a vision of a divine light. The experience was overwhelming and beyond words. For the first time in years, I felt connected with myself and something deep within. A shift had started inside me.

Two months later, I was released from jail. But my past was still catching up with me. In 2000, I was again arrested for a previous crime I had committed. This time, I was caught with 6.5 quintals of drugs at the Gujarat-Maharashtra border. I was sent back to prison, and this time my health deteriorated. I fell seriously ill, suffering from asthma and Sciatica. Yet, despite these hardships, I continued with my regular sadhana (spiritual practices) and surprisingly, I recovered. It was during this time of illness and recovery that I realized something profound—I was tired. I was done with my life of crime, and I knew I wanted to walk a different path, a spiritual path.

For the next two years, I was shuffled between different jails, enduring many ups and downs. Finally, I was placed in Udaipur jail. My life took a new turn there. Inspired from within, I decided to start organizing stress elimination workshops in the prison. By this time, regular sadhana had calmed my mind and brought me peace. I began motivating the other inmates to participate in these workshops, and something remarkable happened—a wave of devotion and spiritual awakening swept through the prison. Inmates started attending satsangs (spiritual gatherings), listening to discourses, and participating in spiritual activities. The atmosphere in the prison was transformed, and I was entrusted with the responsibility of organizing a wide range of events there.

I found immense joy and fulfillment in this new life. There was a different kind of intoxication now—a divine madness that took over me. In 2011, I was finally released from jail, for good. The following year, Guruji (Sri Sri Ravi Shankar) visited Udaipur, and I had the privilege of being felicitated by him on stage. That moment, standing in front of my Master, as he applauded my efforts, was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. His appreciation and love filled me with even more devotion. From then on, I started chasing Guruji wherever he went. I was completely smitten by his love and mesmerized by his grace. In the same year, I became a teacher, and my life took on a new purpose.

Since then, I have been entirely dedicated to the Art of Living. I have conducted around 20 prison programs, touching the lives of 700-800 prisoners. My focus is now on being an instrument of transformation in the lives of other criminals, just as my life was transformed. I have also returned to my village and started practicing organic farming, contributing to my community in a positive way. A documentary film titled Bawan Parinde has even been made about my life story, as an inspiration for others to contribute to society.

As Guruji often says, “In every criminal is a victim crying for help.” I am no longer a victim, but I still cry—this time, out of joy. The light I first saw during my first Sudarshan Kriya has illuminated my entire life. Until now, I had been looting the world, but Guruji has looted my heart with all his love. I am still basking in the glory of that love.

When you have a Master like Guruji in your life, you realize you don’t need anything else. Life is complete, full, and filled with meaning.

Jai Gurudev



1 Comment

  • Leela
    2 weeks ago

    Master’s compassion and grace transforms

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