Sri Sri’s Presence and Grace Itself is the Biggest Miracle
It has been quite a while since I’ve been wanting to write about my experiences with Art of Living and having Sri Sri as a Guru.
It has been quite a while since I’ve been wanting to write about my experiences with Art of Living and having Sri Sri as a Guru.
I did my Art Of Living basic course 7 years back in Mumbai. It has been the best experience of my life.
Every time I complete any Art of living program, starting from my first ever experience with Sudarshan Kriya to doing an advance course , the beautiful blessings program , Shakti kriya, TTC, to Samyama , I am reborn!
It's Saturday night and I'm getting ready to see Sri Sri tomorrow. I just took a hot bath and I'm ready for bed when the phone rings. I assume it's someone from Los Angeles wanting a ride up North to a course, or my daughter calling to make sure I'm still alive. I answer the phone and someone on the other line says: "Dvorahji? Guruji wants to talk to you?" "Me???" I chirp. "Why would He want to talk to me?" Then I suddenly hear laughter: "Dvorah!! How are you?" It's Guruji. I'm speechless but my "brain" kicks in. "Hi Guruji. You're calling Me????"
My name is Deepa Singh and I am a Yoga teacher. I stay in Mumbai. I have been into Art of Living for the past ten years and life has been a blissful journey since. However, there is only one sad feeling that kept bothering me, which was that I have never gotten to meet my Guru face to face and talk to him. In all these years, I was only able to have eye contact with Him, as there are always so many devotee’s waiting to take his blessings. I always complained to myself, that when will I get to talk to Him properly. A part of me kept thinking, if I don’t meet Him, will He even know me? Then one day, a relative of mine had come home and he told me that he had managed to get a meeting with Gurudev. He had sent an email to Him because he needed to talk about some important personal matters, and he got an appointment to meet Guruji in the Bangalore Ashram. While I was very happy for him, this made me even sadder.
This is a story which rolls back to 2010, when I had just finished my 10th standard board examinations and was confused about what to study further.
My husband and I are Basic course teachers, currently living in Bangalore. We’ve been part-time, then full-time, then part-time again, and we’ve had our share of a roller coaster life.
It’s been exactly one year and seven months now, since I first did my Basic Course! In this duration, I have seen and felt many benefits of the “Sudarshan Kriya”.
JAI GURUDEV… I had done my Part 1 Course in 2006 at Mumbai. After the Part 1 course I did a Part 2 Course and the Sahaj Samadhi Course thereafter.
I am an Assistant Professor and I am pursuing my Doctorate degree. I had a doubt whether I will be able to complete my Doctorate Degree or not.
Jai Gurudev to all the beloved Devotees… I am into Art of living since 2002. My life has changed for the best since I have met GURUJI.
I was with Gurudev at the Canadian Ashram during the Guru Poornima celebrations this year. Due to the huge number of visitors to the Ashram, car parking was arranged right at the entrance to the Ashram property.
It was a regular morning for me; I got ready and left for college to finish my work quickly, so that I could go to Ashram, as Gurudev was in Bangalore.
I was suffering from facial warts. Warts are small projections on the skin caused by the human papilloma virus. Homeopathy is known to be the only treatment for them.
During the silver jubilee celebrations, I was the only one from the 20 participants of my Part-1 Course, who could attend the celebrations in Bangalore!
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