Faith Can Solve All Doubts

My name is Deepa Singh and I am a Yoga teacher. I stay in Mumbai. I have been into Art of Living for the past ten years and life has been a blissful journey since.
However, there is only one sad feeling that kept bothering me, which was that I have never gotten to meet my Guru face to face and talk to him. In all these years, I was only able to have eye contact with Him, as there are always so many devotee’s waiting to take his blessings. I always complained to myself, that when will I get to talk to Him properly. A part of me kept thinking, if I don’t meet Him, will He even know me?
Then one day, a relative of mine had come home and he told me that he had managed to get a meeting with Gurudev. He had sent an email to Him because he needed to talk about some important personal matters, and he got an appointment to meet Guruji in the Bangalore Ashram. While I was very happy for him, this made me even sadder.

Luckily for me, the very next day I got a call that Guruji is in Mumbai and that he will be staying at Sangeeta Jani’s place! I got so happy, I quickly went to meet Him. When I went, there were many devotee’s already waiting to meet Him, so I also joined them. Finally, when Guruji came I got to touch his feet and He also gave me Prasad. I was happy, but I still felt doubtful about whether he would remember me or not. So I quietly went and joined the next line as well!
When Guruji came and saw me again, He told me, “I just met you right? Don’t worry I remember and I will always be there.” When I heard this, I realized that He knew me and He understood everything that I was feeling. This gave me such joy. I realized that all our wishes get fulfilled after coming on this path if we have a strong sankalpa. All doubts get resolved, only faith is needed. We get immediate solutions and wisdom. Life becomes a celebration. We are all extremely lucky to have a Guru in our life.




  • hari
    11 years ago

    Jai Gurudev, is telemedicine for me.

  • Satyam
    10 years ago

    Jai Gurudev/Om Namah Shivaya 🙂

  • Suria
    9 years ago

    Such a simple yet beautiful story ji. Ur story kinda cleared my curiosity too. Though i am just 7mths old in AOL, i miss Him dearly and always wonder wen will i be granted wish to meet Him in person. Does He even know all my thoughts and missing feeling, across the oceans and seas…tq so much for ur story ji. It definitelt feels like the message came from Him, telling me He knows it all, not to worry or doubt 🙂

  • Shashank Tiwari
    1 year ago

    Jai Gurudev

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