It’s Saturday night and I’m getting ready to see Sri Sri tomorrow. I just took a hot bath and I’m ready for bed when the phone rings. I assume it’s someone from Los Angeles wanting a ride up North to a course, or my daughter calling to make sure I’m still alive.
I answer the phone and someone on the other line says: “Dvorahji? Guruji wants to talk to you?” “Me???” I chirp. “Why would He want to talk to me?” Then I suddenly hear laughter: “Dvorah!! How are you?” It’s Guruji. I’m speechless but my “brain” kicks in. “Hi Guruji. You’re calling Me????”
“Dvorah, come, come to see me?” When are you coming?” “Guruji this is the first time you ever called me!” I stammer. “How are you Dvorah, how are you doing? “I’m great Guruji. You called me, of course I’m great!” “Well you better be” He chimes. “You don’t want to ruin my
reputation!” He laughs and I also hear people in the background, roaring with laughter.
“I’m coming tomorrow Guruji. I have a hotel, and my son’s paying for it. Well, He says: “If it doesn’t work out, we’ll take care you…” “OHHH Guruji, that’s so kind and sweet of you, but it’s ok, I have a hotel” “Ok, but remember, if it doesn’t work out, we’ll take care of you!”
“Ohh Guruji, you’re too much! This is too much!” I said
“If this is too much I better go now!” Guruji said
“NO NO- I CAN TAKE IT. Don’t go!” I’m gleefully pleading, but to no avail. “Jai guru dev” He sings – and He is gone!
I sit there in my nightgown BLOWN AWAY!!!.”BOY!!!!! He must’ve been bored if He called me!” I chuckle OR .maybe my time is up and He called to give me last rites! (my dark sense of humor kicks in). Wouldn’t that be awesome, I chuckle!! Jai Guru Dev and off to my Masterβs LAND.
The morning seems perfect. I get in the car and I’m off to San Jose. It’s a long ride and of course I get lost. (I’m a dyslexic driver). I finally get to my hotel and hobble to the reception desk, where they ask me for my credit card to pay for the room up front. I explain that my son is going to pay for it and give them his phone number to call. Well GUESS WHAT???? They don’t take credit cards over the phone.
I am stuck. This is NOT working out and I’m actually thinking of just packing it up and going home! then I remember an inviting loving voice saying to me: “Dvorah, If it doesn’t work out, we’ll take care of you!”. Mind-boggling!! He knew. He knew all along it wouldn’t work out. I am blown away with wonder. How the did He know???? I then get in my car to try and find
the Hyatt where Sri Sri is staying. I finally find it after driving around in circles and pull into a parking space. How will I find Him, I wonder, It’s a huge hotel with 14 floors.
No sooner do I get out of the car, than I recognize someone walking by with his family: “I remember you, we were on a course together”. He nods: ‘Hi Dvorah. I remember you, I saw you on course having fun with Sri Sri.” I look at him thankfully: “Oh thank God I found you. Do you know where Guruji is?” He points a couple of yards away: “He’s right over there, giving Darshan.”
We walk in and there is Sri Sri no more than two feet in front of me. I smile like a crazy lady, I was so happy to see Him. He throws a bunch of petals and sings: “OH Dvorah, you’re here!” I’m still beaming like a crazy lady as Guruji takes my hand and asks: “Dvorah, you have a room?” I shake my head: “No Guruji”. He calls one of His helpers over and points at me: “Find Dvorah a
room”.I twirl right in front of Him, It’s all I could do to show my joy.

Guruji kept His promise. I followed his helper to my new hotel room. Where do you think the room was???? It was on the 14th floor, right next to His!! Can you believe that??? RIGHT NEXT TO HIM. It was so weird, I was beyond shocked. How is that possible? I mean really???? How is that possible?? I’m in a room RIGHT NEXT to the Guru. It’s Crazy!!!!!!
No sooner do I put my things away, then I’m called into Sri Sri’s greeting room. I walk in and all of a sudden we start having the most ridiculous, hilarious, outlandish conversation in front of an entire crowd of devotees and I AM STOKED. WHAT a trip!
This happens several days in a row, and by this time I’m so grateful, that I’m begging for Seva!!! (and if you know me – that’s a miracle!!) I start bringing ice water to devotees waiting to see Sri Sri in the lobby. I want to do more, but everything seems under control. I’m blessed for no reasonWHATSOEVER. JUST AS I AM.. And so are U! Yea! U!!!
You are always taken care of. I promise You. You ARE ALWAYS taken care of. The DIVINE takes care of you. PERIOD. Relax. Just relax and the most amazing things will happen when you least expect them. The DIVINE is your nature. The GURU is your nature!
Wow. .truly an amazing story !!
Great experience. Guru take care of everything. Jai Gurudev
Wonderful sharing! Truly, why fear when Gurudev is near!!! Counting my blessings! π€β€οΈπ·π·π·π€πJai Gurudev! π