Master’s Grace

Being part of the Art of Living family, we see miracles happening every day in our lives. Whatever we pray for in our hearts immediately manifests with Divine blessings. This happens very fast when we have unshakable faith in the Master. My life is also full of miracles, but there is one special incident that I would like to share with you all.
I am a Software Engineer. I graduated in 2006. I did the Art of Living course in 2007. After that, my life has completely changed. Guruji sometimes says that when a person comes onto the spiritual path, he has to face many challenges in life. I too had many dreams to reach the top position in my workplace, which is definitely not an easy task to accomplish. I thought that since I was an Engineer, things would work out in my favour. But it turned out completely opposite. I was on bench for the first year and during this time, I didn’t get any technical exposure due to lack of on the job work experience, and then immediately I was put onto complex assignments. Obviously, I failed to deliver as per the expectations. I changed many jobs but somehow none of them seemed very appealing to me. I then began to realise that I was not enjoying that area of work. I did not like what I was doing. I was not able to develop the passion for doing a technical job. I was in a real fix. I did not know what to do to earn a living. A few personal issues were also running behind in my mind since two years, and I was not able to come out of those memories. In all this, I kept praying to Guruji from the depth of my heart, telling Him, “You are my only saviour. I know you are there for me. Please don’t let me give up. Give me strength and make everything alright. You always keep saying that you are with me, now the time has come, please show me the right way. I need your support. Please listen to me. Give me an occupation which suits me and earns me a decent living. Please help me Gurudev.”
Then one fine day, I got an idea to apply for the position of Freelance Content Writer. Writing was something that always interested me, as when I was in IT firms, I used to write a few articles for my brother’s blog, and it would give me great joy. So I applied for the position; and that very night, at around 10 pm, I got a job opportunity to write articles for US/UK students. I was thrilled. I delivered articles on time and kept applying for other Content Writer job positions. People started considering me for their work. My prayers were answered☺
This is the first month that I am earning as a Content Writer. I had fixed an amount in my mind as my target salary. I feel blessed to share that my earnings have reached that level this month. It’s all Master’s Grace. One more miracle happened simultaneously. My mind has now become free from the bad memories of the past, and I no longer cry thinking of those memories. I feel so free and light with myself. I feel liberated.
Both these issues of my life have gotten solved by Guruji’s Grace. I am full of gratitude towards Gurudev. It has also made my faith way stronger. As a token of thanks I have contributed 10% of my salary for DSY. This is the least I can do for all the good that has happened to me.
For readers I just want to say a few words “Just have unshakable faith in Him. He is listening to all our prayers. He is taking care of us each and every minute. We are very very blessed to have Guruji in our lives. All other material possessions are temporary; they come and go, but that which is worth attaining in life is Divine Grace.

Jai Gurudev!

Aditi Gulecha



  • Pradeep Marwaha
    11 years ago

    Aditi : Your attitude of gratitude is your best achievemnt. May HE continue to bless you ( and me) !!

  • Gita
    11 years ago

    Thank you so much for such a uplifting story!! I have to have as well unshakable faith…. <3 Jaigurudev!

  • hemangi. chougley
    11 years ago

    Yes, I too feel that having Guruji with us , is the Greatest Blessing in life ! Just remembering HIM in my heart , seeing his Loving n smiling face in my mind, uplifts my spirit and makes me feel happy and peaceful.


  • sweta
    11 years ago

    Jai gurudev

  • Satyam
    11 years ago

    My prayer too is rather similar as yours. Gurudev grace you increasingly.
    Jai Gurudev/Om Namah Shivaya 🙂

  • Aditi Gulecha
    10 years ago

    I thank you all for appreciating me, my story and wishing the best for me. May our MASTER's blessings guide each one of us at all steps of life. Jai GuruDev!!

  • GaneshRajagopal
    10 years ago


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