How Sudarshan Kriya & Faith in Gurudev helped me clear my exams in the most challenging situations
In the year 2014, I secured admission in an engineering college in Nagpur, India. It was here that I was introduced to Art of Living &
In the year 2014, I secured admission in an engineering college in Nagpur, India. It was here that I was introduced to Art of Living &
This note describes my placement story - 20 November, 2014... It was the seventh semester of the 4 year (CSE) programme. Every student was preparing to get a job and be placed somewhere. My plans were pretty much the same. A 15 day placement practice class was introduced by the authority, which would benefit the students in getting well prepared for the corporate world. It was in the month of September when "Cognizant Technology Solutions" came to my university for placements. The process took three days and there were 3 rounds post which 600 students were selected from the 1900 odd seekers. I got rejected in the second round itself while quite a few of my friends landed in the final round and got placed as well. It was extremely disheartening for me at that time, as I was very enthusiastic about getting a job.
This is Dipti Deshpande from Mumbai. I did the AOL course a few years back & I am a devotee since then. The course really changed my life, in fact I am alive only because of the Sudarshan Kriya & Guruji's blessings. I was a Chemical Engineering student. I have been able to complete my course, the tough course, only because of Guruji's blessings. It took me a lot of time to complete the course though, as it is obviously not everyone's cup of tea. You really have to struggle a lot. Many expert students have had a difficult time accomplishing this degree.
I visited the Bangalore Ashram in August 2011, where I got an opportunity to see our beloved Guruji. There was something mesmerizing about Him. His presence felt just so divine. His being was not that of a human. I felt as though I was in a different world, a world of peace and bliss. A world that seemed like heaven on earth. And before I could realize what it was, I found myself sitting for the next Yes+ course in the Ashram, in the presence of Sri Sri Himself. I have been staying all by myself in Bangalore since I started college. It’s been quite difficult for me to survive here alone. Living by yourself in a new city is never too easy. I had started smoking and alcohol had become an integral part of my life. I felt I could not do without it. It was more of a psychological thing. I kept looking for support in the outside world. Little did I know, it was all within. Since the time I did my first Sudarshan Kriya (meditation and breathing technique taught in the Art of Living basic course), I started feeling the positivity in my life. I could feel the energies changing. My life had taken a big turn since then. Things that seemed impossible were actually materializing. I had quit smoking and drinking and there was no urge to get back to it ever again. I know it was all Guruji’s Grace.
Although there are many miracles that have happened in my life however I would like to share the most memorable and an unbelievable Guru story.
Being part of the Art of Living family, we see miracles happening every day in our lives. Whatever we pray for in our hearts immediately manifests with Divine blessings.
Thank you so very much Guruji, love you the most! Out of the various instances of experiencing Gurujis grace this is one of them –
I am with the Art of Living since January, 2007. With Sri Sri in my life, I have experienced many miracles.
It all started about two months back, when my dad, who is a Bank manager posted in Bihar (India) and got stuck in a false litigation case.
Jai Gurudev 🙂 My name is Bhakti Bakale. I live in Vasai (a locality Mumbai). Though there are many miracles happening with Guruji’s presence in our lives, I would like to share something which I recently experienced.
This is an unforgettable phase of my life. My daughter (Sanaya) and I were going through a terrible phase as death of my dear mother had devastated me.
I am a Corporate Lawyer and am very regular in doing my kriya. I had gone to London to study Law and having done so, I came back to Mumbai to look for a job.
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