Sri Sri Will Always Keep You Happy

My parents had gone to Rishikesh once, as Guruji was there. That day was an extremely auspicious one which had come after 400 years. Guruji along with other devotees were going to take a dip in the holy water of the River Ganges. My relatives Sumit and Dipti had also decided to go to Rishikesh via road because they couldn’t get the train tickets. They were very excited, and all this while I was at home, relaxing on the couch.
Dipti di asked me why I wasn’t coming along. I told her that I was excited to be home alone for two days and party the whole time. She intelligently convinced me to come by saying she would even sponsor for my whole trip. A free road trip sounded good to me so I decided to go as well, thanking Guruji.
I got ready quickly and we left for Rishikesh. We discussed many Guru Stories on our way. Talking about Guruji is always the best thing you can do in your life. It automatically brings a smile on your face. Even just thinking about him is enough.

It was 9 pm and we were really hungry. Due to the extreme crowd going to Rishikesh, we had decided to take a different route there. There were no good restaurants or dhaba’s on that way for us. Finally at 11 pm, we found a place to eat but it wasn’t that good. We had no other option so we decided to eat there. We ordered our food, but within five minutes, Dipti di said she felt something was wrong with the place and that we should leave.

We left from there, and on our way she told us that she noticed that there were barely a few people there and they were drunk and pointing towards us. It was past midnight and we were starving. Dipti di wondered out loud, ‘Is this how Guruji is taking care of us?’ On the dash board there was a book called ‘Punarnava’ , an amazing book by Guruji which I had bought but had not read yet. I pointed to Guruji’s picture on the cover of the book and said to him, “I don’t know anything, as soon as I reach the Rishikesh Ashram, I need good food and a place to stay. It is your headache now and in the morning I want to take a dip in the Ganga holding your hand. Jai Guru Dev.” Dipti di laughed and said that it is 1 am and no one in the Ashram there would be ready to serve me food so late. An hour later, we finally reached and the guard told us where to park our car. As we stepped inside the Ashram, a gentleman came and told us, “Oh good, you’ll have arrived. Should I lay out the food?” I looked at Deepti Di and smiled. He always takes care of us
We were served Dal and Rice. Wanting to eat chappati as well, I asked the man who served us if there were any left. He politely told me they were all over. Another man came up behind him and said, “I have a few chapatti’s which Guruji has sent from his kutir.” Dipti di looked at me and said, ‘I believe you Kunal, we are surely taken care of.’ And like that, he granted my first wish.

We finished our meal but had no idea where we were going to be staying. My mentor, Avinash Tiku, who is an international faculty member, called up asking if we had reached. I told him we had, and he told us to that he had arranged for our accommodation as well. Second wish granted! We went and met him, and I was very happy as I was meeting him after four months! By 3.30 am we slept. I woke up at 7am and went to Avinash Bhaiyya’s room. Just then he told me to check outside the window and Guruji was walking on the shores of River Ganga. I saw and in excitement said, ‘Run, it is Guruji!’ We both ran quickly towards him. There were only 7-8 people with HIM. I wished Guruji ‘Jai Guru Dev’. HE Smiled and blinked his eyes, there was an innocence in His Smile.It was the first time I was walking with Guruji so I did not let anybody come between us. He did not leave even a single chance to pamper us. Very soon, the amount of people around him increased. As we reached the Ghat , he asked everybody to do chanting and went to change. I helped the volunteers clear the passage so that Guruji walk smoothly and due to this I was made to stand in the first row of the Ghat.

Half an hour later, Guruji came out and the gathering followed him like thousands of bees swarming around a dessert. In the meantime, I got pushed and was left far behind while the gathering along with the Master descended down the ghat. I stood there, hanging onto a chain on a very slippery surface. I saw Guruji take the first dip, chanting ‘Jai Gangey’. The surreal aura of his is simply impossible to pen down.
HE took his second dip and abruptly started walking towards where I was clinging on to the chains. My heart beat running, I asked Guruji to stop as the surface beneath was extremely slippery. But, by then he had already reached quite close, and to my horror, he slipped and in no time, I caught hold of his hand and held him tight. And at the same time, with that perpetual smile, Guruji took his third and final dip holding my hand! Without a word, he returned to his kutir. I was completely dumbstruck. When Guruji went out of sight and I returned back from my state of trance, I realized that my last wish was also granted.
I realized that the master would go to any extent to see that smile on your face. That’s my Satguru, my GURUJI!

Jai Gurudev

Kunal Gambhir



  • Shipra
    12 years ago

    Kunal 🙂 🙂

  • Barkha
    12 years ago

    Am completely awestruck after reading this.. Perfectly articulated Kunal 😀

  • Sapna Kushwaha
    12 years ago

    Heart touching…Love u Guruji 🙂

  • Ashima Banga
    12 years ago

    Wow.. HE is simply awesome.. And you've penned it so beautifully..


  • Harsh Pandey
    12 years ago

    Kunal 🙂

  • rajesh
    12 years ago

    Every One getting experience of Guruji Grace !!!

  • Archana
    12 years ago

    reminding….me my first meeting with Him . so touchinnggg…….thanx Kunal 4 sharing it with us:)

  • Rosy
    12 years ago

    Thanks for writing this. Made me connect to my Guru again 🙂

  • priyanka
    12 years ago

    magical…i also want this 🙂

  • Jayaraj
    12 years ago

    No words to describe my feelings….in total gratitude and silence…totally connected to Gurudev with tears streaming down my face…Jai Gurudev…

  • 12 years ago

    He fulfilled my such wish also on 28th june, 2013 at Banglore Ashram. I wished to hold his hand and bow down saying Om. But I was pushed back by the crowd when he was about to come. I was shouting out his name loudly, but my voice would dissolve in the huge crowd. l was standing near the stairs of Vishalakshi Mantap behind the crowd. But Guruji’s Grace followed me. The moment he came to the area where i was standing amidst the crowd, by his grace it so happened :- as if every body became absolutely silent only my voice pitched high “Guruji” and not only this, I dont know how but I saw myself standing infront of Guruji. It appeared as if everybody had stepped back and I was left standing where I was and Guruji came right infront of me!!! I was holding flowers in my hand to surrender on his feet but I was so spellbound that I forgot to do so. We both were looking into each other’s eyes. He just picked up the flowers from my hands!!! And then came my most awaited moment!! He gave me His Hand to hold…Again I lost mtself in Him and just bowed down…I found myself in tears of happiness and gratitude. People who saw this said that it appeared as if time had stopped when I was meeting Guruji. I can never forget that blissful touch of eternity. This touched my soul. He knows everything. I LOVE YOU GURUJI!! ♥♥

  • Soma Jeetesh Chellani
    12 years ago

    Amazing !!Tears came running my eyes…Wonderful story..Feel great we have Guruji with us to listen…Hope anyone who wishes something good does get it…

    Jai Guru Dev.

    Love you !!

  • Soma
    12 years ago

    Jai Guru Dev

  • Soma J Chellani
    12 years ago

    Tears came running through my eyes reading this story..Amazing experience. Truly love GuruJi
    Jai Guru Dev

  • riya
    12 years ago

    jgd , bhaiya its feels amazing to read such a nice part of your life , n i m waiting for the same day 2 come in my life with our gt8 guruji

  • Mayank Singhal
    12 years ago

    Lottery lag gayi Kunal 🙂

  • Sonia Maliah
    12 years ago

    It’s truly a wonderful, out of the world feeling, when our dearest Guruji makes our wishes come true!

    May we continue to experience these miraculous moments & remain ever grateful for HIS GRACE.

  • priyanka
    12 years ago

    Spell bound … In tears

  • Rajmohanbabu
    12 years ago

    Our Dearest GURUJI…..

  • prabha thakur
    11 years ago

    Love you Guruji!! I know you are always with me and very soon my dream wish will get fulfill by your blessing…. Jai Gurudev!

  • somnath thakur
    11 years ago

    love you guruji…tears came reading this story. Guru ji i waiting for such experience n i know you r always with me and very soon my dreams come true…Jai gurudev…

  • Nidhi
    11 years ago

    Always cherish in that memory Kunal!. Live to hold others hands now 🙂 Hugs,

  • prajna
    11 years ago

    love you guruji….lucky kunal 🙂 Jai Gurudev

  • Deepti Nair
    11 years ago

    Wow Kunal, amazing….

    feeling jealous 😉

  • Randip
    11 years ago

    Great….JGD !

  • 11 years ago

    I bow down humbly in the presence of such grsesneat.

  • Nikhil
    9 months ago

    Just lived that feeling of being in His presence ! Well described , Jai Gurudev

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