How I learnt the wonders of Sudarshan Kriya

I am an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist surgeon by profession. I had been to Amritsar in 1999, where I fell sick and had a reaction to a medication that led to liver damage, raised my enzymes and caused drug induced depression. I was physically very weak.

Just then an angel came by as a patient and talked to me about Art of Living. I took the course and started practicing the Sudarshan Kriya regularly. To my amazement, I noticed I had recovered in six months though people with ailments like mine take years to recover!

I continued my Sadhana (practice) and weekly Long Kriya until 2004 but later due to my busy schedule the practice became less frequent.  In 2008, I again felt I needed regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya to keep myself fit and healthy.

As a physician I believed in this practice because I had seen how it benefitted me personally. Some of my patients who were regular in their Sadhana and practiced Ujjai (breathing technique) had much ease delivering their baby!

Recently I had some abdominal colic and was admitted to the hospital and in spite of all analgesics I was still in pain. It was induced by stress and commercial food. I was worried because I was supposed to give a talk in an international conference. Somehow I managed to do my Kriya and meditation practice and noticed the sensation of pain was disappearing! Now, I could not only travel but also delivered an excellent presentation.

Whenever I am in pain, sadness, or insecure I feel as if I am under His Grace and just stop worrying! I am immensely grateful to Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar for giving us this wonderful knowledge. As a physician, I am able to heal people only because of Gurudev’s Grace!

Dr. Rupila Bhatia



  • Anuradhamurthy
    6 years ago


  • Arpit Kothari
    6 years ago

    Thanks for sharing. Your experience can help many to experience Sudershan Kriya.

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