I completed my Masters in May 2012 with a lot of hardships due to psychological and relationship issues. With the help and guidance of Guruji’s Kriya, Meditation and Knowledge I managed to sail through the hardship and come out victorious with flying colors. With immense gratitude after my post graduation, I immersed myself in Seva (Service), Sadhana (Meditation) and Satsang (Singing in devotion of the Lord) and kept my eyes open for job opportunities.

The trouble started when a job opportunity would not arise, I would reach the last round of every interview and then the opportunity would just go without a reason that I couldn’t comprehend. It was February 2013 and Sri Sri had come for his Mumbai tour. I was without a job since May 2012. Like any other devotee, I attended many satsangs around the city. One night, after a satsang, a few other devotees and me decided to follow Guruji and meet him personally at the place where he was residing. The place, as always, was flocked by loving devotee’s asking for blessings. I stood in line to receive his blessings which he gave me with a tap of a rose on my head. And what happened thereafter changed my life forever.
I experienced immense bliss, infinite divinity and joy. Suddenly, all negative thoughts about being jobless, vanished in thin air and love was oozing out unabated and endless. One morning, in the following week, after I finished my Sudarshan Kriya and Meditation, I saw a few missed calls from an unknown telephone number, which I immediately called back. The person who picked up introduced himself and started interviewing me over the telephone, selected me and a week later, I was hired by the Multi National Company on a temporary contractual basis. Now, after four months, they have offered me a permanent position in the company which I have accepted.
With such miracles that Guruji creates, I feel so much Gratitude of having a living Guru who cares for me, blesses me every day and keeps me strong through life’s tough downturns. Indeed, only a Guru can show you the way through your life.
Jai Gurudev