Sudarshan Kriya Changed My Life

There was a time in my life when the only thing that used to go on in my mind; how to commit suicide. I was tired and frustrated and I just wanted life to end. I used to keep thinking of several ways by which I could commit suicide.

One day I was told about the Art of Living Part 1 course. I went for it and believe me, after doing the Kriya only once; I fell in love with it. When I came back home after the course my mother was very surprised to see me. She said that I am looking cheerful and energetic. I told her that I am going to make Guruji my spiritual Guru. Since then I became a dedicated devotee. The Sudarshan Kriya has all by itself changed my life. Earlier, I used to feel very tired, lazy and lethargic. I used to get irritated very soon and even the smallest things would irritate me. I would not talk much; just remain silent all the time. My mother would also wonder why I always looked tired and pale. She would always tell me to talk and get some liveliness in me. But at that time all these things were impossible for me.

After doing the Kriya each and every single day, without fail, I was filled with a lot of positive energy, due to which I am still living and now I enjoy life.  Now whenever I get a problem, I don’t crib about it but instead, I only focus on how to solve that particular problem. Things which used to irritate me earlier don’t bother me at all. Life has become better, easier and happier.

All this was possible only because of the Sudarshan Kriya and Guruji’s Blessings





  • sushmit
    12 years ago

    sir can u send ur email id??? i face similar problems like u have faced….my id

  • Burton
    12 years ago

    Wow, where can I find out more about the Kriya you are practicing. It sounds really great. Thanks.

    • Guru
      12 years ago

      burton, check out there are places all over the world teaching it. all the best .. do it ASAP

    • Sakshi
      5 years ago

      You can join art of living. This is the organisation which practices sudarshan kriya.

  • 12 years ago

    Hi Burton,
    This is video on Sudarshan Kriya

    These are some of the research papers on Sudarshan Kriya

    For more information you can visit

  • 12 years ago

    Really SUdarshan Kriya Helps to Transform life from hell to Heaven and it really helps to people who really want to balance their life with mind

  • Narendra Shah
    12 years ago

    Sudershan Kriya is excellent way to achieve anything in life, may it be Health, Career or any social obligation.

    • 6 years ago

      I think Sudarshan kriya is really powerful technique. To stabilize the mind. I can say by some of my personal experience. It works on your mind, balance the emotions, then awakens your ultimate stable senses where u no longer be a drawn by emotions so you can achieve your goals easily.

  • Jayaraj
    12 years ago

    Sudarshan Kriya is indeed the ultimate gem…do it daily…

  • 11 years ago

    Yes I Agree Sudarshan Kriya definitely changes the life. It has lot of benefits also. I was hearing about it from others but when I did the course I realized this. Thanks to Sudarshan Kriya.

  • Ravi R
    4 years ago

    The Art of Living course and Sudarshan Kriya (now called Online Meditation & Breath workshop in Covid times) helped me to overcome bad habits. I’m ever grateful to Sri Sri Ravishankar ji and the Art of Living teachers for putting up such a program. During Covid times, it also helped many of the people I know to recover quickly – many didn’t get impacted, thanks to the enhanced immunity that it provides.

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