Our Angel

A fairy tale, a sci-fi movie, call it whatever you may like, this incident completely changed my life and made me realize what it means to have faith on the Divine. It was just another normal day; I was headed to Kalyan with my family with the music playing in the celebrative atmosphere. We were regaling those moments in the car.

It wasn’t long before we realized that on this busy highway, there was a truck running astray and at break neck speed. Our car tried to make past this unusual and reckless driving, but just as we thought we did, we realised that the truck was right behind and even before we could take evasive action, the truck rammed into our car crushing it almost completely till the back seat. Such was the impact that we felt the body would not even realise it’s got crushed, but as faith would have it, apart from a catastrophic damage to the car no one else incurred any major injury!

To pass it off as just a chance or a coincidence would be undermining the presence of a Master in my life, whose divinity and grace has made me what I am today. So what if we dint see him there saving us, all of us sitting in the car knew this was out of the scope of human possibility.

For someone else this might sound like a fairy tale but for me and my family, we know we are taken care of, always and in all ways.


Shruti Wagle



  • Kamu Dinnanath
    3 years ago

    JGD whaaaw what a miracle 👏 If you have faith and surrender to the Master anything is possible no explanation is needed .Just enjoy and relax

  • Shyamali Mitra
    3 years ago

    This isn’t a fairy tale. Years ago my sister living in New Jersey had a terrible accident in which her car got so badly smashed up that it had to be sold to a junkyard. Yet she sustained minor injuries.
    It’s the faith in the divine that protects you.

  • Jayshree
    7 months ago

    So true! We’re indeed blessed to have Divine Gurudev in our lives who’s always protecting us & our families ! Jai Gurudev! Thank you so much for everything! 🤗🌷🌷🌷🌷💐💐Eternally grateful to you forever dear Gurudev! 🫶🙏

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