Life was going great being a kid – no worries & tensions, until a kind of sensitivity started invading along with the onslaught of adolescence. Health issues in the form of allergies & skin rashes when exposed to house dust, made me bed ridden for a couple of days, with short breath & wheezing, creating turbulence within. Because of all this, my studies were getting affected badly and I started getting into the pessimistic mode.
On finding that Allopathic medicines could give only temporary relief, I got into the Ayurvedic system of cure. With lots of dietary restrictions being imposed on me, things started to change. During this tough period, a small photo of Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji in the Sunday supplement of The New Indian Express, attracted my attention by reminding me of a past dream that I had of a similar person, and it became a routine to wait for Guruji’s column every fortnight. This was slowly bringing a shift in my perspective towards Life. A positive shift! One of my neighbours and my Doctor cousin suggested me to get into Yoga. I had two options then – one was a local centre of Yoga, with an elderly expert, and the other was the Art of Living Program. Naturally, I was more inclined to the AOL program and so decided to do the Part-1 / Basic Course.
Like many others, I also felt that I should have done this course much earlier. After two rounds of the “Sudarshan Kriya” that I learnt on the course, I never had to meet a Doctor on any health grounds.
That was a “Blessing in Disguise” & there, the “Seed of Longing” to visit the Bangalore Ashram and meet the Master was sown in self!
One day in 2005, on being late to catch the train to office, I prayed to Our Beloved, to do something. It turned out wonderful! On reaching the station, three trains – one Super-fast, an Express & another Passenger were parked, as though all three were just waiting for me to board, before leaving. Having taken the season ticket, I boarded the Express train and made it to office on time. Thus the Journey with Consciousness (Guru’s Presence) begun, and then I could relate each & every moment & breath with The Guru!
Just before Navarathri-2012, I was almost bedridden at my hometown, with a terrible back pain. My mother too was struggling to recover after a surgery. Though not too fit, I decided to attend the Navarathri Special Advance Course at the Ashram. This was just a day before the course was scheduled for. It was practically impossible to reach the Bangalore Ashram before 6 am the next morning, for the program.
Things turned out surprisingly smooth, as I reached the Ashram Reception at exactly at 5.45 am.
I was then told to attend the Long Kriya before doing the registration. The thought of not taking a bath before Long Kriya, after having travelled for 10-12 hours the previous night, was worrying and bothering me. But there was not much I could do about it or else I’d miss the Kriya. The Long Kriya started with three Omkara’s, followed by an unexpected and strange sprinkle of water on my Forehead! I still do not know where that water came from. Gurudev takes care of our smallest and pettiest of needs. It’s so amazing!

Luckily, I got accommodation inside the Ashram. What a beauty that place is. It’s truly like heaven on earth. I was improving day by day with the Pooja’s – the meditation was getting deeper and deeper. I could feel the healing happening consciously from within! I took a few sessions of medicine-less Neurotherapy from Panchakarma, to comfort and pacify the Logical Mind. Then I attended the Blessings Course, which was simply awesome, after which I called my Mother & gave her blessing. In the Darshan line with Guruji, I expressed my desire to come back to the Ashram.
A few days later, I reached back home, getting rid of my back problem. Surprisingly, my mom too got healed, and was relieved of her painful weekly visits to the hospital. Now everything is Great – All by His Grace.
As was wished for, I came back to the Ashram, met Guruji and was inducted into the Events Department, in the Promotions Team.WOW!
Pranams….. Guruji!
Thank You
Balamurugan Krishnan
This is awesome story!!.
Hits something hard inside and brings more and more close to Master!.
Excellent From the Heart .. You should expressing more…Write