This was way back in 2004, when I was in grade 11. Like most youth, I felt that Guruji and His miracles were just a sort of promotional strategy. However, my mother was an Art of Living teacher and really believed in Him.
One day, I was reading the book ‘Sri Sri as I know Him’, and the more I read, the more I wondered of the truth about miracles. I told my mom (who was then leaving to take her course), that if this man, who she called ‘Guruji’ is something, if He truly has some power, then I want Him to prove it to me. For some reason, the conviction in my challenge to Sri Sri was intense. It was as though I wanted to re-enforce my faith in the Divine through this. And what followed, was truly mesmerizing.
My house (which is on the ground floor) was under construction, and had all sorts of construction material lying in the veranda, including two massive glass pieces. It was raining cats and dogs, because of which, the 50 year old house sheds (made of thick stone) were getting weaker and weaker, as they absorbed more water from the rain.

Accidently, the lady who stays on the second floor, dropped her blanket on the house shed. She then asked me if I could remove the blanket from there, with the help of a stick. So I was standing on the second floor, trying to fiddle the stick to somehow remove the heavy blanket. But in that effort, I ended up slipping and falling all the way from the second floor to the ground floor, through the sheds, and landed on the two huge glass pieces. I was trapped under the construction material, with the glass pieces on me, along with 3 broken sheds. I was in severe pain. It took my neighbors over 20 minutes to rescue me. By then, they were all expecting that I’d be dead, considering the graveness of the accident.
When I did come out, I was fully conscious, alive, with not a single scar on my body.
Wow! Not a single scratch on my body!! Such is the Love of our beloved Sri Sri for us, all of us are extremely lucky to have Him in our life, we must not doubt the love and blessings of Guruji for us, simply know he is always there to protect you and you are taken care of.
That divine intervention happened, and here I am, now doing full time service for the AOL Organization since 3 years 🙂
Thank you Gurudev!
Divya Sachdev
Jai Gurudev
Every day is full of so many experiences!