There was a YES!+ Course happening from 19th June, 2013 to 23rd June, 2013. It was my dream that my sister experiences this course. It so happened, that she was in Hyderabad for that duration and so she registered for it.
The course was to start at 6 am. My sister was not in the habit of waking up early, that too for 5 days consecutively! I was very worried as to how she would wake up. I really wanted her to complete the course at any cost. Sri Sri knew about this botheration of mine. To take care of it, He sent a special alarm clock – a “Koel” (an Asian species of Cuckoo bird), who would start her “Koo-Koo” (a sound made by the bird, similar to an alarm clock) outside our balcony, right from 4.30 AM in the morning till the time we woke up. Her volume and pitch was so loud that we couldn’t sleep even if we wanted to. And there was no snooze option too (option to deactivate the sound of an alarm clock).

Here comes the amazing part – This Koel bird came just to wake us up, only for those 5 days of the course. Never did I hear her kooing at that time of the day, before or after the course duration!
It was as though she had specially been sent to us by Gurudev so that we would not miss even one day of this wonderful course. Sri Sri made sure we didn’t miss any day of the course and always reached on time. We generally have the habit of snoozing the alarm clock that is in the mobile phone. But this very special “cuckoo” alarm clock sent by Him, had no snooze option, which worked completely in our favour.
I feel so blessed. I have no worries. I am always sure that He is taking care of it all, from the smallest of matters to the biggest.
Jai GuruDev!
Keep Smiling and spread the Love!
It is wonderful to read amazing amazing Guru stories, Jai Gurudev
We feel so blessed that we all are fortunate to have sri sri wirh us
I got a wonderful story about him. Daily they are sending my e-mail . Thank you very much for the same