The Formless One

Jai Guru Dev to all the beloved Devotees,

Many miraculous incidents have happened in our family ever since we became a part of the Art of Living community. I would be pleased to share one such occasion with everyone.

Just this morning at around 8.45 am, as usual, I went for a walk alone in the streets here in New Jersey ( United States). I had kept my cell phone in one pocket & my ID card in the other pocket of my pants. Hardly had I walked for ten minutes, when I found that my ID card was not in my pocket anymore. This took me by complete shock. I had no idea as to where it could have disappeared all of a sudden. I was clueless. I couldn’t believe how this could happen. I felt terrified just thinking of the pain I would have to go through to get another ID card here in USA. It would not be an easy procedure as a lot of formalities need to be completed before getting an ID card over here.

Feeling helpless yet hopeful, I walked back through the same street to search for my ID card. Thought I should try finding it, though I was not sure where it had fallen. It seemed like a mystery. But yet I wanted to try, I had nothing to lose. Even after continued efforts for a long time, there was no trace of my ID card.


Finally, I prayed to Gurudev from the bottom of my heart to help me. That was all I could do. By then, I had completely surrendered the matter. Only after you try hard can you truly surrender and that’s exactly what I had done. So I dropped the matter at the Lotus Feet of Sri Sri and slowly walked back to my apartment.

Just then, I saw an American old lady, coming out of the gate of my apartment building. I was across the street at that time, and the same lady gave me a big smile and walked away. In a few moments, my husband called me up to say that my ID card was handed over to him by an old lady, whom he had never ever seen in our street before !!!

Yes, we know very well who had come to my rescue. It was Sri Sri Himself in the form of the old lady. Sincere effort followed by effortless surrender truly did the magic.

Gurudev, I have no words to express my gratitude to you.

Bhadra Naik.



  • sweta rai
    11 years ago

    Wonderful Post..

  • Dinesh Nalmutt
    11 years ago

    Felt goosebumbs!!! Love u Guruji…

    11 years ago

    Love you Guru Ji .. Jai Guru Dev .

  • Gaurav Agarwal
    11 years ago

    Feeling goosebumps till now… the love is in the air….JGD!!! 🙂

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