Jai Gurudev to all the beloved Devotees…
I am into Art of living since 2002. My life has changed for the best since I have met GURUJI. Lots and lots of miracles have happened and are happening in my life. This one is the most blissful. This GURU story is very different and it happened to me 15 days back.
Since 40 years my father is a compulsive alcoholic. His liver is badly damaged and doctor had advised him not to drink. We all family members have explained him the possible difficulties that he will be facing in future and even now & we have done are best to convince him not to drink. But, he could not stop drinking because he was so much habituated. Doctor said it has become a disease for him now.
20 days back, he started drinking excessively and used to drink right from morning. His health deteriorated very badly and due to which he had to be hospitalized. Suddenly, he was getting hiccups & it was so bad that it wasn’t stopping. Doctor said if his hiccups continues then any nerve in the body might burst and then his chances of his survival will be very less. We all family members were in so much tension that moment. I just started praying to GURUJI. I knew only prayers, blessings, grace will cure my father. I asked for online blessing too. Many days passed in hospital and his recovery was too slow. I just kept praying. It took him 2 days to stop hiccups. But still he was in a critical stage.I was wondering why GURUJI is not doing anything. All kind of thoughts started coming in my mind that just because my father has not done the course so may be Sri Sri isn’t helping my father. After 7 days in hospital and with only 30% of recovery he was discharged from the hospital.

Due to withdrawal symptoms my dad was becoming aggressive and violent and so we had to tie him on bed. It was the most painful sight for me and my family. I still kept praying and arguing with GURUJI that whatever happens YOU have to get him alright. After getting my dad home I kept Guruji’s photo near his bed and we read Bhagvat Gita & even made him hear AOL satang’s, bhajan’s and lot of knowledge of by Sri Sri.
After a week, my dad not only started walking but also started his work. This was just unbelievable for me and my family members. He is 95% fine.This is certainly due to Guruji’s grace.B ut the best thing in these 15 days is that I have become very very close to my father. I joked around with him. I shaved for him. I spoke to him endlessly which I had never done in my life because he is very shy and introvert person. So now I have realised why his recovery took time. Just to give time to my dad and me to come close to each other. Though those 15 days were very tough for me but they are the best days of my life. I was thanking Guruji that I got opportunity to do seva (service) of my dad and my mom who was standing behind my dad very strongly.
Guruji does the best for everyone, we all should have little patience and total Faith in HIM. I am very very fortunate to have Guruji in my life. My parents have agreed to do the basic course. Thank you Gurudev for everything.
Dear Vishal,
Jai Gurudev…. Your Guru Story is so touching…I had tears in my eyes when I read your Guru Story…Little Patience and Total Faith in Gurudev, as you rightly said, makes all the difference….May Gurudev's Blessings always be there in your life…Jai Gurudev…Jayaraj
Dear Vishal,
Jai Guru Dev. Your words are so TRUE that It is HIS (GURU JI's) Grace Only. His GRACE Is In Abundance only we Must know what we want from him. JAI GURU DEV AAPNI KRIPA BANAYE RAKHNA
Jai Gurudev. God bless and makes me so happy that you are caring for your parents so much.
Jai gurudev….u have wonderful experience. It's all guruji's grace n his blessing. it's very good to know that by this incident u came close to ur father ..