My Master-The Only Constant In Life

I used to be hyper, aggressive and a go getter Capricorn. I always thought I could achieve what I wanted by being aggressive and showing that I was in control. My kids couldn’t stand my temper tantrums, especially during their exams. Someone then connected me to Art of Living’s Part 1 Course, which I went ahead and did. After the first day, my daughter said I looked calm. I finished the course and started going for Kriya regularly. A few days later I got the news of a close relative having cancer, and my daughter failed her 10th standard. Had it not been for the strength and stability that I gathered on the course, I would have been devastated and made life hell for everyone at home.

As I went for more and more Kriya’s, the answers came from within. I moved my daughter to Bangalore to an international school so that she could start afresh. I visited the Ashram, got my call for Seva and inner peace. I sent books, soaps and Ayurvedic medicines from the Ashram for my relative who was suffering from cancer. With Guruji’s grace, all the unsettled aspects of my life started settling down. I could feel peace and calmness.

I started going to labour camps, and would also cook food to take for my labourer brothers. This gave me a very enriching and fulfilling feeling. My real brothers forgot me on Raksha-bandhan (an Indian festival where the sister ties a sacred thread to her brother as a symbol of his protection) but I knew I had my Guru as my real Rakshak (one who protects). My family gave me many ups and downs but Guruji never left me. My regularity with Seva has changed me drastically.

I moved from a flat to a 5 bedroom house with a beautiful temple room, and also bought a new car. All this was possible only with the Masters grace. Guruji comes to my house every year in May through a Satsang. I know that He is always there by my side. I have the faith that He will sail me through the ups and downs of life. As long as He is with me, I have no fear.

I don’t crave for big things anymore. All I want is inner peace and happiness. At one stage I would be so upset with my family for how they treated me in the past but now I feel grateful to God that through my troubles He gave me a chance to become stronger. He gave me inner confidence and peace. Had I not faced tough situations in my life, I would never get the feeling of being victorious, smiling through all the miseries of life. This inner strength can only come with the presence of a loving and caring Guru in one’s life. The greed to make more money has vanished, the need to see happiness in others has burst like a big bubble. I don’t want big parties but rather a soulful Satsang for my celebrations.

Yes I do feel sad at times and cry to myself thinking about my past miseries but then my Art of Living friends cheer me up and my Guru takes care of me in His own subtle way. The Art of Living Foundation has given me so much happiness. No complaints.

Situations of life change. Good times and bad times come and go. But the only force that remains always is your Guru. He is always there for you, no matter what. Have this faith and see the magic that follows.

Jai Gurudev!


1 Comment

  • 12 years ago

    Great guru i have seen and following him for processable preaching. Life has changed and looking many people to just start following him .

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