Sri Sri Stories
It was the year 2017. I was supposed to travel to Jalgaon and Chopada districts in Maharashtra to teach the first ever Spine Care Course conducted in that region. I was going to travel 8 hours by bus from Pune to Jalgaon, teach a morning batch, travel an hour by car to Chopada, teach the evening batch and then return back to Jalgaon on the same night so I could continue this cycle again. The 4 day course was fully subscribed and there were also many doctors who had signed up. I was elated at the prospect of teaching a houseful course!
However, as fate would have it, just a week before my travel to Jalgaon, I slipped and fell while going down the staircase, hurting my lower back. Fortunately, my head was saved. As the pain did not subside even after two days, I visited an orthopaedic and the X-ray revealed that I had fractured my tail bone. The tail bone takes a really long time to heal. My doctor strictly advised me to avoid any travel and also to limit bodily movements.
I just couldn’t fathom cancelling the houseful course where so many doctors had registered for the first ever Spine Care Course happening in these districts. I thought over, discussed with my husband, prayed to Gurudev and decided to travel and teach! Deep down in my heart, I had full faith that Gurudev would take care of me as He has always done.
Unbelievably, I could travel for 8 hours back and forth from Pune, taught the 2 hour course morning and evening with the 1 hour travel and demonstrated all the exercises myself. I had completely forgotten about my fracture. To my surprise, there was absolutely no pain. Moreover I took the pain killer just for 1 day and then did not even take them. On the final day of the course, with tears of gratitude, I shared my beautiful experience with everyone.
For a doctor’s scientific mindset, this is indeed hard to believe, but in my heart I knew who was on duty all throughout seeing me through this challenge.
Whenever I have decided to make a difference and jump, He will always catch me and never let me fall.
Gurudev, thank-you so much for everything!! I Love You so much and bow down to You in gratitude..
-Trusha Manaktala.
I had a beautiful experience during Mahashivratri 2020 at Bangalore Ashram! I was having a very rough time in my personal life and was even losing faith in Art of Living, even though I have been associated since 2013. I am doing PhD from IIT Delhi and University of Queensland (Australia) so work pressure and high expectations from professors and peers was a challenge and due to it I even left doing kriya in between thinking I didn’t have the time, which is never the case.
But somehow I regained little faith back after doing 3 days Padmasadhana and went to Bangalore ashram during Shivaratri. I had bought a gift for Gurudev (a very beautiful, expensive one) whole heartedly and thought to myself whether He will even take it or not, whether I will be able to reach Him in the Darshan line or not. But when I sat in the amphitheater, after going in “bhaav” (devotion) He sent Swami Purnachaitanya (who has been my mentor in personal life) straight to me and he said “Gurudev has sent me, asking for the gift you had bought for Him, I will give Him”!! Although Swamiji asked several others too but he first came to me!! How did Gurudev know? I had told no one! That too amidst thousands of people in the crowd! Gurudev didn’t even give any Darshan to anyone that day!
Since then many many very interesting and powerful guru stories have happened with me, which I am documenting regularly. Secondly, I had gotten disheartened because of my visa being on hold and couldn’t fly to Australia during January, but here I am safely with my parents in Mumbai during COVID-19 lockdown.
Jai Gurudev
– Siddhant Varshney
Once Guruji was returning to the German Ashram from Caracas, Venezuela. However, due to unavailability of a direct flight to Frankfurt, he landed in Paris before going to the Ashram.
It was a surprise visit for all Parisians. It also happened to be Guruji’s birthday according to the Hindu calendar. So a surprise satsang with a cake was planned in the hotel where he was staying. At around 6 pm, about 150 people had gathered, who had about 1 hour notice to reach the venue. It was a beautiful, intimate satsang and birthday party. One of the volunteers asked Guruji, “How did this plan for Paris come up?”. It seemed like a very mundane question.
Here’s what Guruji said – “There are plans at many levels. There is a room plan, what colour to paint the walls, where to keep the flower vase? Then there is a house plan, street plan, city plan, country plan and so on at various levels of detail. The biggest plan is that we are all here at the same time, one in saudi arabia, one in Germany, one in Bangalore, but we are all here now. When and where we meet is the next level of planning. Often what we think is planned is not the real plan and what we don’t plan for, is the plan. Few months back, I went on an unplanned trip to Himachal Pradesh in India. I had gone to inaugurate a power plant and was supposed to return to Delhi by helicopter. Somehow, the helicopter had a problem, some valve was not ok. After trying three times to start it, the pilot said he did not want to take a risk anymore. So we decided to proceed by car. On the way, we stopped at a residence where there were close to 500 people waiting to meet me. There was an 80 year old lady in that house who shared that she really wanted to come and see me but could not because her health did not permit it. She was so grateful and happy that I came to her house. We then went to another house for lunch. There was a 3 year old child in that house who had been saying since 3 months back that Guruji is coming to our house in March. Nobody paid attention to her but I was there in that house on the 2nd of March. So, looks like perhaps this was the plan.”
At this point a lady in the satsang in Paris shared, “Guruji, Even I had a dream yesterday that I was sitting with you and sharing a meal”. Guruji had just given her a piece of cake to eat
Few months ago while traveling in the local train in Mumbai, a lady who was seated next to me asked me to lend an extra pair of earrings to her, if I had any! She had to go for an interview. I didn’t have an extra pair and the ones that I wore were artificial but my favourite. However, I didn’t have any interview and could have gone to office without earrings too.
Almost instantly, I recalled an experience shared by Bhanu Didi in one of the books wherein Gurudev would distribute His belongings to the needy and come home with an empty bag. So I gave away the earrings that I wore as her interview seemed more important than my usual day at work.
In my heat, I knew that Gurudev would be aware of even this small incidence. With this earring gone, I could also now buy a pair of diamond earrings that I always wanted to have. However, the earrings that I gave away were really nice in terms of design and I couldn’t find them again. Today morning, I suddenly saw an old picture of mine with those earrings, and in my mind I asked Gurudev, “What About Me?”
I could faintly recall a story that Gurudev had shared during a knowledge talk wherein a mother would ask her child to distribute all the sweets among the needy. After everything was over, the child would come back to her mother and she would give him sweets that she must have kept aside for her child. This practice instills a sense of sharing in kids. I thought of this story and asked Gurudev, “Where Are My Earrings? I distributed them!”
And no prize for guessing. That very same day, in the evening, while I was on my way home, I found a vendor who was selling the same earrings (exactly same design and colour) and needless to say, I immediately bought the earrings :p
This might seem such a petty desire. But Gurudev takes care of such conversations, desires, questions too. If He takes care of such small issues, what makes us worry about any major issue in life! He is watching over!
Jai Gurudev 🙂
– Antewasi Krishna
After two months since I completed the Art of Living Happiness program, my teacher insisted to do the Advanced course at the Bangalore Ashram. I grudgingly registered, considering my health situation at that time & my finances. In those 5 days, there were many times when I cried and felt like running away from the ashram. However, Gurudev had different plans for me and I ended up doing the Sahaj Samadhi course also along with the Advanced course! Here are a few instances of how I felt His grace moved things for me –
Whenever I was at the edge, my teacher used to appear by my side, out of nowhere and I was taken care of. As a part of Seva during the course, we were assigned to clean dishes. I panicked! I can hardly hold my food plate without straining my back injury. So, I prayed to Gurudev to watch over me until the course ends. Post lunch, we were washing utensils and I was swept away by the joy of doing Seva! After a while, a sudden desire to eat payasam (that was served at lunch) sprung up. Moments later, a guy with a bucket and glass approached me, asking if I would like to have a glass of payasam. I was stupefied! I made a quick recovery from a mix of various emotions and politely declined while the rest enjoyed the gift. I was too embarrassed to say “Yes” hahaha. Also, because of that break, I was able to get some time to rest my back before heading back to the course.
I thought of buying a book but could not decide. I randomly picked one, and opened the 5th page, it was dated 10th July which is also my date of birth! I got excited but laughed at my stupidity to make it the reason. I said to myself “Gurudev, you choose and tell me”. With that, I was anticipating to hear it from someone by chance. The first name I heard was “Narada Bhakti Sutra” from my teacher while she was sharing an experience. But I was still unsure. I wanted to hear a more direct statement. That evening at Satsang, Gurudev was bestowing knowledge and in the midst of it he says, “You should read Narada Bhakti Sutra”. BULL’s EYE!! I was dumbfounded.
At the end, I bought my first Art of Living book which also happens to have my date of birth on page 5 🙂
Lesson learnt: Be careful of what you wish for, specifically in the ashram.
Jai Gurudev!
– Neeta Teerdhala
My name is Divesh Sharma & I am an Art of Living follower since 2015. Life with Gurudev is always so protected, so special & so full of amazing moments. A few years ago, I had gone to the Art of Living International Ashram in Bengaluru for a holiday. On the day of the Darshan line, I went to the secretariat to get an appointment for meeting Gurudev — who would want to miss this opportunity!
As soon as I reached the Darshan hall, I was informed that it was not going to be a one-to-one Darshan but instead a group Darshan where Gurudev will be on the stage. Since I am visually impaired, I was really disappointed. In the hall, there were 2000 people, all eagerly waiting to see him.
Finally, Gurudev entered the hall. Surprisingly, shockingly, amazingly, He came straight to me & started talking to me! He patted me on my head with a lotus, then patted my cheek & then pinched my cheek & after meeting me, He turned around & left the hall. It was like, He came to this hall only to meet me!
Could there be anything more beautiful than this?
Jai Gurudev
I am Manisha and I have been an Art of Living devotee since 2015. My life has become full of happiness and joy after becoming a part of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s vision of a One World Family (Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam). I would like to share my experience how I received the greatest assistance when I needed it the most.
A few years ago, I lost my mom. I was the only child and I did not have any relatives. There was absolutely no one to assist me. Even then, the Almighty took care of me & I was accommodated at a centre for orphans. I was grateful since I got a place to live. However, I was unsure about my career and my future as I had always been ambitious.
Worriedly, I spoke to the caretaker of the centre. After hearing my interests & dedication, she offered to take responsibility of all of my educational needs. She made me join school, took care of my studies, and later also enrolled me in college where I was professionally trained as a nurse.
It was during my college that an Art of Living Happiness Program was conducted there. The very first experience of Sudarshan Kriya literally pulled all the unhappiness out of my life. I was able to get over all of my hardships in the past and was now full of happiness & joy. I felt that it was indeed Gurudev who came to protect me & take care of me, all this time.
With His Love & Blessings, I am now working as a nurse in a general hospital and serving patients from all walks of society. I know that my life has been taken care of by Gurudev 🙂
Jai Gurudev
– Manisha
When Gurudev was in Denver, I took a last-minute trip to meet him. I loved the entire event and I was extremely grateful that I got this opportunity to be with Him. The key event of America Meditates – the meditation led by Gurudev himself, ended at 8 pm and I had a flight to board by 9.50 pm. Like any other Art of Living super devotee, I had no doubt that I was going to take that flight home that night.
My caring roommate dropped me to a suitable place to take Uber, at a convenient place away from the venue. However, Murphy’s law was super strong that day. It all started with the Uber pool ride I took which made the driver go back to the venue increasing the ETA by a huge margin. After dropping the fellow passengers (who were an amazing company) we finally reached the freeway. To our dismay, the freeway was showing a detour. My kind driver said he will end his ride for the day so that Uber does not add more passengers en route. At this point, I was getting tiny panic attacks.
At 9.08 pm he managed to drop me at Denver Airport after taking a detour and another freeway. I reached the security checkpoint and it was shut for the day. I ran to the other end of the airport and it was 9.20 pm – My flight was boarding people! Thanks to the closure of the security check, the line was exceptionally long. This slightly increased panic attacks but yes, I have a Guruji! (Like the Avengers have their Hulk ;)).
I saw a couple of friends who asked me to skip the line to reach them ahead, I in my all noble self (I have no idea why), denied the offer. They went ahead! I started conversing with my fellow travellers around, they started giving me suggestions as to how I can reduce time. By 9.35 pm I walked past the security…and the personnel kept my bag aside. Wow! Murphy’s law was playing in my mind “Whatever can go wrong will go wrong!”. This feeling, however, was weak compared to the other thought playing in my mind strongly “I have a Guruji!”.
I waited anxiously for them to check my bag. The personnel asked me about some food I had in my bag. I replied, “Please throw it away if you must, else I will miss my flight!” She insisted on doing some litmus test and then gave me my stuff. The time was 9.41 pm at this point. The boarding gate was to shut at 9.50 pm. Huffing and panting I reached the airport train; I met my friends again. “I think the flight’s going to go without me!” I told them. They, being the same super devotees like me, assured me that I will make it!
I whizzed past the escalator, to gate A30 only to find that they had changed the gate to A60 !! I was continuously talking to Guruji while running! I am pretty sure people around thought I was crazy. I managed to reach A60 at 9.52 pm. The flight was waiting. Of course, it was!
I felt the glance of half a dozen people as I sheepishly walked to my seat in the rear end. I messaged my family and concerned friends that I successfully got in. I chatted with my fellow passenger. I heard two complete songs, ate an apple and yet the flight was not moving. At this moment I felt the need to check my bag for my passport – 20 mins after I boarded the flight. My Passport Was Missing! In panic mode, I asked the flight attendant for help. He told me to check my carry-on bag. He told me I could go till A60 to check for the same. I reached the front end of the flight; the other flight attendant would just not let me deboard. After a long 5-minute discussion with the 4 flight crew members, the pilot chimed in. “You can deboard me!” I told them. I felt I was better off in Denver with a passport than without one in Seattle. My mental conversation with Gurudev was in full force at this point. Suddenly lo behold, a ground staff walked into the flight with my passport, in its case! Extremely overwhelmed with gratitude I walked to my seat. All that while my whole plane thought I was the reason the flight got late. I told some folks it wasn’t. The real reason it was late was that it was not getting clearance to fly for the past 30 whole minutes.
As I shut my eyes when the tyres of the plane whirred for take-off, I knew I perhaps was the reason the flight got delayed. The magician in my life was just having some fun! A tiny tear of joy moistened my face as we flew back to Seattle. What can I say? He is the passport for my journey on this planet.
– Barathi Krishnamurthy
Gurudev always says the Divine is dwelling inside you and He takes care of you. I decided to test this phenomena in an experiential way.
I started practicing surrendering each and every activity of my life to the Inner Divine for continuously 41 days to make it as a habit. In the morning before starting Sadhana, I would surrender that whatever action or activity I do today will be because of Divine will and it is all His action only, I am just witnessing His action. Ever since I dropped and surrendered my entire life to the Divine, I was able to go deep in my meditation. The entire feeling of reverence is very difficult to explain in words.
In the beginning, I doubted if this surrender will prevent me from carrying out my everyday responsibilities. However, I just kept moving forward with the knowledge that a Karma Yogi has to work without attachment, surrendering to the Divine will and wherever necessary using our own intelligence also.
Days turned into weeks, I started taking up bigger social as well as business projects. Every endeavour started progressing by leaps and bounds. There were indeed a lot of twists and turns along the way but every experience made me stronger and wiser. I felt as if everything was moving at an unimaginable pace.
It has been more than three months now & I am still experiencing how The Divine supports us when we surrender our mind and all our activities to Him. One needs to be firm on this path of faith and trust their experiences. It is not easy but it is definitely something every Sadhak should aim for in their lives.
Jai Gurudev
– Ramakrishnan
Ten years ago, I attended a Satsang at Vishalakshi Mantap (Central Dome of the Art of Living International Center Bengaluru). It was my fourth week at the Ashram and I did my YesPlus Advance Course, Blessing Course and Gurupuja Phase I. I did my sadhana, meditation, chanting and seva. I even had the chance to meet Gurudev together with the YesPlus International Group. But yet, I was restless.
That evening at Vishalakshi Mantap, Gurudev was entering the hall and a crowd was drawn towards him. Somehow, I managed to squeeze into the crowd near the entrance. Gurudev walked past me. People were all around me.
Gurudev ignored me again, I thought. Then I panicked.
“Guruji!” I called out with hope.
Gurudev gave a start and stopped in his tracks.
Slowly, He turned around.
He searched the crowd with His eyes and stopped when He saw me.
Time stood still. His presence drowned out the crowd.
Slowly, He broke into a happy smile.
I can’t remember now whether I returned His smile.
Then, Gurudev turned around and resumed walking towards the stage.
I became aware of the noise and crowd surrounding me.
That moment of connection was just what I needed.
Hoe Zheng Yi