He Can Make Every Wish Come True

We are from the organization named ‘Dreamz Home’ based at Malad in Mumbai. We are not followers of Art of Living but we have had one such miracle which made us believe that it has happened only because of Sri Sri Guruji. In 2006, we wanted to start this organization for orphans and street kids. We were prepared with the money. But the owner of the place which we wanted to buy was not ready to vacate it and he never used to talk to us and give us a definite reply. Nearly 3 months passed in tension. Every evening, I used to pray that we get that place soon. One day when I was praying in a temple, a lady came to me and asked me why I was looking so tensed. I told her the entire story and then she gave me a photograph of Guruji and told me to pray to him. She also assured me that our job will be done. The next evening, I prayed to Guruji. Unbelievably, within 10 minutes, the owner of that place himself called me up and told me that he had decided to give us that place and that he would vacate that place instantly. Within the next eight days we finished all the paper work and this is how we were able to start Dreamz Home.

Very soon we had the Bal Chetna Shivir and since then our children have been practicing the Ram Dhyan on a daily basis. This is not all, once In order to take care and manage so many things we require a lot of money. We were wondering what to do. I was told to pray to Sri Sri Guruji. On 1st November, 2012 I prayed to Guruji. Surprisingly, on 2nd November, I got a call from someone saying that he wants to donate some money to our organization. The next day, i.e. 3rd November, that person came to me and gave me a cheque of Rs 5 lakhs. Never before has anyone donated any money to us. This was the first time and that too such a big amount.




Thank you,

Vijay Karande

Karmen Louis

Sangeeta Morey


1 Comment

  • Mahesh Mittal
    10 years ago

    Amazing Guru story, Superb.

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