Grateful Even in Pain

On 24th February, 2013 my daughter and me were returning home on a two wheeler from another devotee’s house when we got into an accident as another vehicle crashed into ours. My daughter, who was driving, lost her balance and the scooter tumbled. I remember standing up and running after those who hit us but they did not stop. When I looked back my daughter was still on the road and was unable get up. Somebody handed me my mobile phone and bag. I felt like nothing worse could happen

Finally by midnight, after twin X-Rays, the doctor told she had multiple fractures in her right knee. I was numb with pain and sorrow watching her writhe in pain. Since I became an Art of Living teacher, I have been so sure that Sri Sri is looking after me, where ever I may be. It was very bewildering for me, to think about how this could happen, especially because a month ago she had gone to the Bangalore Ashram (International Art of Living Center in India) for her Advanced Meditation Course.

I called up my uncle, who was a surgeon and told him everything. He advised us to go and meet a senior surgeon in Chandigarh (city in northern India). I packed a few things and left for Chandigarh with both my kids. When we reached the hospital there, I put all my hopes on the doctor. Meanwhile, Sri Sri was on tour in Mumbai, so I got hold of a teacher there and requested my message about my daughter be passed on to Him. On the same night, she was admitted to the hospital after all the formalities were completed. The doctor again did the CT Scan and it was found that she had multiple fractures with a ligament and a bone piece detachment. We were told to get ready for an operation which would take place at 7am.


At 1am, I got the message that Guruji was told and he smiled and nodded. Although I knew He would look after us, I could not understand why He had only smiled. The whole night was spent running around and in chaos. Whole night we kept running here and there. After midnight she was not allowed any food or water either. When she went to the Operation Theatre, the doctor could only perform Aspiration and Traction and her operation ended up getting postponed.

My brother and parents had also come with me. In spite of everything, I was grateful that my daughter was so brave and that her injury could be treated. My daughter and me even managed to laugh and crack jokes, all the while realizing what a blessing it was to have Sri Sri in our lives.

Finally we came back home and she was called back after one week for her operation. I knew Guruji was leaving India soon and we really wanted to meet him but that was not possible as my daughter was bedridden. I was so afraid and did not know what to do. I kept listening to Guruji’s voice where he told me not to worry and everything would be alright. Now after five months she can walk without much of a limp and her fractures are healed.
In the meantime she took her exams also and has stood first in her university, only because of His grace. Everything is possible when He is in our lives!




  • aastha desai
    12 years ago

    Pls keep posting. Jgd

  • Raj
    12 years ago

    Very true..keep doing Good things/Good Karmas and God/Guru shall be with us

  • S.Senthurapandian
    12 years ago

    Spread the knowledge of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Guruji to every corner of the world.

  • 12 years ago

    did your daughter hve the operation?

    • kritika
      11 years ago

      no i had my traction and was painful but .in end of july dr. told that there is no need for operation..

  • somnath thakur
    11 years ago

    Jai guru dev…just keep ur faith on guru ji, he is always with us….he will surely help on any situation…

  • swati sharma
    11 years ago

    JAI GURU DEV..v l or blessed coz GURUJI is in our life 🙂 n miracles do happen..its a miracle 🙂 as per my xprnce Guruji is olways with us..he gives strength to fight in every situation 🙂 jus hv faith on him!!

  • chandrashekhar
    11 years ago

    jgdv.. 🙂

  • madhusudhan
    11 years ago

    yeah really was happened in my case too

  • menka saraswat
    11 years ago

    Jai Guru Dev… Guru ji is always with us… All we need is to have faith in Him n His sayings… Jai Guru Dev..

  • Archana
    11 years ago

    I love You! Guruji…no words can describe ur importance in our lives…

  • Kavyta shrestha
    11 years ago

    With guruji in our life , nothing unbearable can happen..
    He takes care of everything ..

  • saurabh toche
    11 years ago

    love u grurji

  • kamaladevi.b
    11 years ago

    A true faith in him can make our life a beautiful art

  • seema
    11 years ago

    great master with us!!!!!!!!!!!

  • sankara rao maradana
    11 years ago

    yaaaa.v r so lucky having such a great guru

    11 years ago

    Jai gurudev… should always be there that guruji is taking care of everything and surely everything will be taken care..

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