A Helping Hand

It was the summer of 2007. I got a call from my Friend and Business Associate, Mr. Ameer Ali Khan residing in Lahore, Pakistan who informed me that one of our customer’s Brother in Law, from Chiniot, Pakistan, had to undergo a Liver Transplant at the Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi (capital of India) . He also gave me his cell number and requested me to help him. I then contacted them and came to know that it was a major surgery and his wife would be the Donor. They also informed me that they needed 18 units of blood and by that time, they had tried their best with their contacts in Delhi but were still not able to manage any blood.

So I made up my mind that I want to help this couple in whatever way I can. I requested 4 of my colleagues in Office and eventually, 5 of us donated 5 units of blood. I also requested my batch mates to donate blood so we managed another 8 units. At the end, we were still short by 5 units and I did not know where to look for help to get blood. The surgery was to happen the next day but the Hospital wanted the blood in their Blood Bank before the Surgery.  All I had at that time was Faith in Sri Sri and I prayed to Him for help.

A Helping Hand
A Helping Hand

After my prayer, I went to my neighbor for seeking help. He advised me to call FM Radio for help. So I called this particular FM Radio station and they immediately connected me to the Radio Jockey. I briefed him about the case and the urgency for blood. He asked me to hold the line and informed me that he would broadcast me Live after the song. I then went live on Radio, just after 2 minutes of holding, and made a plea to one and all to donate blood for saving two lives. To my surprise, I received 45 calls in the next 10 minutes from all over Delhi-NCR, offering to donate blood. Next morning, we had people pouring in from Noida, Gurgaon and other places in Delhi and we had collected more blood than we needed.

The surgery was then performed and undoubtedly, it was a success, with grace and blessings of Sri Sri and the prayers of many. The couple recovered in the next four weeks.

Rest is history. Now I have a wonderful family in Pakistan too – Thanks to Dear Gurudev.

I had the beautiful opportunity to share this lovely story with Sri Sri Himself at Delhi in 2009 and on hearing it, He smiled :):)


Sameer Dua
Rohini, Delhi



  • Vimala
    12 years ago

    right step at right moment…

  • Anisri
    12 years ago

    Praise The Lord – Our Gurudev

  • Bhavisha
    12 years ago

    He is always with us when we take some responsibilities for others….

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