Transcending True Love

I was never a big follower of any Guru. The whole concept was alien to me. My elder sister on the other hand was devoted to Guruji. She insisted that I do the Yes!+ course but I dodged it for more than a year. Then she gifted me a book, ‘Stumbling into Infinity’ by Michael Fischman. The book told the tale of Michael, one of the first followers of Guruji and how his life had transformed. When I finished the book, I was in awe and couldn’t wait to do the course. Luckily for me, I found out from a friend that the next course was happening in two weeks. However, my final exams were to begin the day after the course ends so I was apprehensive but my friend convinced me to do it. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and the Sudarshan Kriya experience was magical. After my course and exams, I flew to the US to meet my sister. We went to Los Angeles to volunteer for Upanishads, a discourse by Guruji that was going to take place over three days. Everyone told me I was very lucky to meet him just three weeks after my course.

On the first day, Guruji met everyone present in groups of twenty. I was looking forward to meeting him and my sister suggested I write down whatever I wanted to tell him. When my group went in to meet him, he floated in the room with his ever-glowing smile and blessed everyone with a rose. While blessing me he asked, ‘Are you happy?’ Now when I think of it, I feel it was more of a blessing, like he was reminding me that I am happy. When I walked out of the room and back to the satsang, I felt total bliss. I sat next to my sister and started crying, completely clueless of the reason behind my outburst. I was wondering what had taken over me. I realized that this was because for the first time in my love I had felt the power of true love, which only a Guru can give.

After two months, I came back to Mumbai and within a week I got an internship of three months with one of the best news agencies and my work was well-appreciated. At the same time, I became a volunteer for the Yes!+ courses and my connection to Guruji became deeper than ever.

Guruji is responsible for a change in all our lives and he is always transcending his love in different forms. I feel tremendously lucky to be his devotee.



-Saloni Gajjar



  • Monica
    12 years ago

    I was waiting for one from this person! 🙂 so short, sweet yet so powerful!

  • Jayshree
    1 year ago

    Absolutely true! After meeting Gurudev, life completely changes for the Best !!!!
    I too have experienced this & only feel why didn’t I meet him before 🤗
    Jai Gurudev!💐🙏🙏

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