He is Watching Over!

Few months ago while traveling in the local train in Mumbai, a lady who was seated next to me asked me to lend an extra pair of earrings to her, if I had any! She had to go for an interview. I didn’t have an extra pair and the ones that I wore were artificial but my favourite. However, I didn’t have any interview and could have gone to office without earrings too.

Almost instantly, I recalled an experience shared by Bhanu Didi in one of the books wherein Gurudev would distribute His belongings to the needy and come home with an empty bag. So I gave away the earrings that I wore as her interview seemed more important than my usual day at work.

In my heat, I knew that Gurudev would be aware of even this small incidence. With this earring gone, I could also now buy a pair of diamond earrings that I always wanted to have. However, the earrings that I gave away were really nice in terms of design and I couldn’t find them again. Today morning, I suddenly saw an old picture of mine with those earrings, and in my mind I asked Gurudev, “What About Me?”

I could faintly recall a story that Gurudev had shared during a knowledge talk wherein a mother would ask her child to distribute all the sweets among the needy. After everything was over, the child would come back to her mother and she would give him sweets that she must have kept aside for her child. This practice instills a sense of sharing in kids. I thought of this story and asked Gurudev, “Where Are My Earrings? I distributed them!”

And no prize for guessing. That very same day, in the evening, while I was on my way home, I found a vendor who was selling the same earrings (exactly same design and colour) and needless to say, I immediately bought the earrings :p

This might seem such a petty desire. But Gurudev takes care of such conversations, desires, questions too. If He takes care of such small issues, what makes us worry about any major issue in life! He is watching over!

Jai Gurudev πŸ™‚

– Antewasi Krishna



  • Lakshimoni Sen
    5 years ago

    Very nice

  • Sagarika Banerjee
    5 years ago

    JgdπŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌAt first Grateful to our Gurudev that we all r getting a golden opportunity to do Silence Meditation course in our comfort zone in this crisis period. I hv done this course 8th times with Swamiji & Partha da & other teachers. Abhijit da is my VTP teacher.So l am vry much grateful to them for arranging such an excellent course in our home. So we will hv to share AOL family & encourage them to do on line this course. Specially Grateful to Swamiji to translate the meditation in Bengali in such a wonderful way that I am spell-bound as-well-as his yoga is speechless.Thanks to all of teachers & organisers πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ

  • 5 years ago

    Very thrilling story

  • Jayshree
    11 months ago

    Absolutely true! No doubt at all , he’s indeed looking after our smallest needs and desires! Thank you so much dear Gurudev for everything! Jai Gurudev! πŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸŒΉπŸ’πŸ’πŸ’β€οΈπŸ™

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