Guruji Tussi Great Ho

I’m doing my Chartered Accountancy this year and on 7th May I had to appear for my Group One Cost Accounting paper in the second shift from 2:00 – 5:00pm. A strange incident happened with me at that time which resulted in strengthening my faith in Sri Sri.

On reaching the examination centre, 20kms away from my home, with my mother, I checked my bag and was shocked to find my Calculator missing. Without a calculator it would not be possible for me to appear for the exam. I informed my mom about the same as there were only 10 minutes left for the exam to begin.
We had to arrange for a calculator from somewhere. My mom then took the driver and went, frantically searching for a stationery shop which was not there anywhere in 1.5 km radius. Then she entered a boutique and requested the owner to lend us her personal calculator stating the urgency of the situation but the boutique owner refused to give the calculator as she would need it for her own use in the store. But later, her son came and said that my mom could take the calculator and return it once I was done with my exam. He was sent by Guruji to help me at that helpless moment. Getting help from a stranger is not easy but with the Guru’s Grace, all is possible.

My mom then came back running and handed over the calculator to me just two minutes before the exam was to start. It was such a relief for me and I sincerely thanked Guruji in my mind for this much needed help. As I entered the examination hall and reached my seat, to my surprise, I saw that there was a calculator already lying on my desk. This was the same model which I had back home and I was used to using for a long while. I was most comfortable using this model. It was good for me to get this one as my calculations would be way faster with it. I then asked my teacher if she knew who that calculator belonged to but when she asked the class about it, no one raised their hand. Nobody knew how and when that calculator had landed on my desk. Nobody knew from where it had come. But I knew. I knew that my Guru had placed it over there. I knew that He was taking care of all my needs. I knew that He would never let me down. I knew that He was always there for me to look after me like a mother for a child.

I then thanked Gurudev once again for His love and kindness and with immense faith in my heart, I started writing my paper. I used the calculator that Gurudev had placed on my desk. He had saved the day-yet again! This was truly a miracle for me. It was a symbol of my Gurus magic and grace in my life. It was my one-of-many miracle stories which I wanted to share with one and all and I certainly look forward to sharing many more

Guruji tussi Great ho!!!

Jai Gurudev




  • Deep Kaur
    11 years ago

    Dear guruji

    I wanted you to help me in my work place.they are ploting against me to move me from my coordinater ship.its gone till management. fighting with my supervisor and vice principal. .why should I leave this place when I have given 8years of my service and no default in my work.all are talking behind me and its upsetting me . Please do miracle the same people who told me to move should tell they want me as a coirdinater.0leade help me guru ji

  • Gunjan
    11 years ago

    Lovely ya!!! Thanks for sharing!! It has further strengthened my faith in this hour of need!!

  • Vidya
    11 years ago

    jay gurudev

  • abhishek
    11 years ago

    We get god in the shape we worship him …..

  • Akhika Iyer
    11 years ago

    Superbbbb JGD

  • sutapa bardhan
    11 years ago

    JAIGURUDEV.Yes. GURUJI is present everywhere to rescue us from any kind of problem.HE is GOD

  • Satyam
    6 years ago

    Jai GuruDev 🙂

  • Satyam
    6 years ago

    Jai GuruDev 🙂

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