From Bars to Ashrams

By Ramesh Menon

From guzzling beers to teaching The Art of Living in Maharashtra. From bars to ashram, RAMESH MENON narrates his life story that took a U-turn when His Guru came into his life.

🌸 Cigarettes and Alcohol Leave Me 🌸

This was in November 1999. To my surprise, I found the course quite interesting. I followed the instructions diligently, which included staying away from alcohol, cigarettes, and meat for the duration of the program. But, being the smoker that I was, with my habit of 4-5 packs a day, I couldn’t wait for the course to end so I could get back to my cigarettes.

When the course finally ended, I eagerly lit a cigarette. But to my shock, I coughed uncontrollably and felt sick. I tried again the next day, hoping the awful feeling would go away, but it only intensified. I did this for a week before I finally realized that maybe it was time to let go of the habit altogether.

It was the same with drinking and eating meat. I had always loved my beer and my non-vegetarian food, but suddenly, it all seemed disgusting to me. I couldn’t understand what was happening!

The Sudarshan Kriya was the highlight of the course for me. It had such a deep impact that it inspired me to visit the Art of Living’s Bangalore ashram for the Advanced Meditation Course in December 1999.

🌸 Meeting Gurudev: The Turning Point 🌸

During the program at the ashram, I couldn’t believe that I was sitting with my eyes closed and eating sattvik (pure, vegetarian) food! But the main attraction for me was to meet Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. However, my mind still hadn’t fully accepted Him as my Guru.

After the program, Gurudev was meeting people in groups. When it was my turn, I didn’t know what to say, so I simply said, “Hi.” To my surprise, He responded with a “Hi” too! I saw others hugging Him, and suddenly, I felt this strong urge to hug Him as well. Before leaving the room, I mustered up the courage to ask Gurudev for a hug, and when He embraced me, it felt like I was in seventh heaven. Still, my mind hesitated to fully recognize Him as my Guru.

🌸 And a Devotee is Born 🌸

At that time, I was facing some personal problems. I had been told by someone that black magic had been done on me, and I had tried several remedies to rid myself of it, all to no avail. Filled with fear and uncertainty, I felt helpless.

During the Advanced Meditation Course, I mentally communicated with Gurudev, telling Him that if He was my real Guru, He would know about this issue and provide a solution. As these thoughts were swirling in my head, Gurudev suddenly said, “Do you know about jaadu-tona (black magic)? If anyone has done that on you, the moment you did your first Sudarshan Kriya, all its effects were nullified. I guarantee you that no one will ever come close to touching you.”

I was stunned, in complete disbelief! With goosebumps all over my arms and tears streaming down my face, I knew in that moment—He was my Guru.

🌸 Embracing Seva and Teaching 🌸

After returning from the Advanced Course, I committed myself to practicing Sudarshan Kriya daily and got actively involved in service (seva) for the Art of Living. I even stayed back at the ashram to help manage the kitchen, taking responsibility for feeding everyone there.

Soon, I completed the Teacher Training Program, and Gurudev asked me to return to Mumbai to teach. I threw myself into teaching with all my heart. I traveled to interior villages in Maharashtra, teaching multiple batches a day. In a week, I would teach around 400 people. From 2000 to 2003, I was constantly traveling, conducting courses, and spreading the knowledge. Many of the teachers in Navi Mumbai and Chembur were once my students.

🌸 Gurudev’s Call and Unwavering Faith 🌸

In 2009, my health started deteriorating, and I had to reduce the frequency of my courses. One day, while at the doctor’s clinic, I was asked to get tested for cancer. The thought broke me completely. I locked myself up at home, feeling hurt and upset, waiting anxiously for the test results.

During that difficult time, I received a call from a private number. It was none other than Gurudev! He listened to me patiently and then asked me to wait for the reports. And, of course, when the reports came back, they were negative!

Gurudev has always taken care of me. He knows what is best for me, and I know I don’t need to worry as long as He is there.

Today, many people know me as Ramesh Menon Ji, a teacher with unshakable faith and surrender. But this life transformation would not have been possible without the grace of my Guru.

When you have a Master in your life, everything else falls into place. Life becomes complete.




1 Comment

  • Leela
    2 weeks ago

    Behind every culprit, there is a victim crying for help. We need to help hum Sri Sri
    #PrisonSMART #ArtofLiving

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