As most people who are connected to Sri Sri through the Art of Living are, I am also undoubtedly and one hundred percent convinced that I am totally taken care of by His Grace at all times. Because of this, I don’t even have to worry about my family members while I am away from home, as I completely surrender myself and the circumstances to Him and I know that He takes good care of everything while I am away.
I work in the field of IT, I am a mother of two kids, and blessed with a great family. It so happened that in 2010, I had to travel to Panama for two months, for work-related purposes. Panama is a distant but beautiful country with completely different culture, language, people and I knew no one staying there. But I was not the least worried because deep inside of me, I had a feeling that since I had done the Art of Living courses (one Basic Course and one Advanced Course at that time), I would be taking this knowledge with me and that I would not be alone. And so I travelled. Though I missed my kids and my dear family a lot, I was otherwise comfortable about myself. I started to realize for the first time that there exist angels, who are sent to my service for every purpose. Each time I was in trouble, work-related or personal, I got the solution through somebody.

After a few days of my arrival at Panama, I was desperately looking out for an apartment, since I realized that it would be too expensive to continue staying in the hotel for long. But there was no one I could take help from, as I knew nobody except a few colleagues at the office who seemed to care little about my problems, and of course they had their own personal lives to take care of. But then, an Angel was sent to me! She was a lady from Costa Rica, who worked in the same office as my friend, who I happened to share the taxi with at times, to commute to the office. One day, I shared my problem with her, and she immediately responded saying that she knew of a suitable place, and called the owner of a building to find out whether there was a vacant apartment available. Thus I settled in my new flat in the next couple of days. Since she lived in the same area, we often went to the cinemas, walks and had dinner together and so I never felt bored or lonely. I was very touched by her caring nature and simplicity. One day I happened to ask her whether she had heard about The Art of Living, and she exclaimed she had already done the Basic Course! This came to me as a great surprise because I never thought I would meet someone in Panama, who had done the course.
This entire sequence of me getting acquainted with someone so caring and so loving, in a distant land, far away from home, convinced me that this was another Angel sent by Guruji, to take care of me and make me comfortable. Eventually, I got so attached to her that I was sad to leave the place after two months!
Though there are numerous miracles that I experience every now and then, this was the first one which truly convinced me of the Gurus ever-flowing Grace, and hence wanted to share it with you all.
Jai Guru Dev!
very very true, Angels do exist
ANAA!!! 😀
Angels do exist since HE cannot come every where helps us through unknown people.How HEconnects us to people is Amazing ! I have got many such experiences in store. Green in my memory.