Amazing Grace

It was in the year 2007 that a life changing event occurred with a boy named Sagnik, 4 years of age, who happened to take admission in my mother’s school “The Divine Grace”.

In the initial days, he presented a condition in which he wasn’t able to speak at all. The only word that would come out of his mouth was “Ma” (Mother). He could not say anything else apart from this. It was very distressing for the child and equally agonizing for the parents. Even the doctors failed to make him speak. My heart would sink each time I’d see this little boy.

Miracles Happen for those Who Believe
Miracles Happen for those Who Believe

But as Sri Sri says “Anything can change any time, in any manner”, the change did take place in Sagnik’s life. One fine morning, as the classes were going on, miraculously, he fell down and cut his tongue. There was slight bleeding but the teachers handled the situation. However, for the next 2 days, he was absent. We all prayed to Guruji, for taking care of Sagnik so that he could lead a normal life like any other person. Sagnik resumed school on the 3rd day. The class started as per routine, but what followed was truly stunning. The class teacher heard Sagnik saying words like “Apple, Orange, Triangle, Rectangle.” The teacher could not believe her ears and was clueless as to how this could have happened. The boy’s parents were immediately called and they too were speechless on hearing this astounding piece of news. Tears of joy and gratitude flowed down the mother’s cheeks.

Presently, Sagnik is excelling in academics and winning prizes for elocution. He has done the Art Excel Course ( An art of living workshop designed for chidren) and is regular with his meditations and Kriya.

We have to have the correct intention and make the effort, everything else falls into place. Sri Sri takes care of everyone uniquely. All we need to do is to give a chance for miracles to happen.

Jai Gurudev



  • hansa g nair
    12 years ago

    dear guruji, each experience is doubling my faith inyou. jai gurudev.

  • Rajeeta Singhania
    12 years ago

    On this Teachers Day a miracle happened with my mother. I took her to Appollo Hospital 4r d advise of a young n excellent dermatologist Dr. Sachin Verma. he was in d procedure room 2 do a bipsey of the tumor in my ma's hand. to my surprise after a minute he said it has to be immediately removed!!!!!!! Her operation was getting delayed fr certain reason . It was by Guru's Grace that an operation which would turned out to be expensive n time taking just worked out in short. I could not fathom what was happening but kept on sayinng WHATEVER HAPPENS , HAPPENS FOR THE GOOD !! JGD

    • Rajeeta Singhania
      12 years ago


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