“Main Hoon Na” – The Three Magical Words of the Master

By Neeta Khemka

“Main hoon na.” These were the three simple yet powerful words that Gurudev said to me—words I failed to fully comprehend in a moment of deep distress and uncertainty. It was only later that the true significance of those words dawned on me, leaving me in awe of the Master’s grace and love.


I am a French professor at the Alliance Française de Delhi and also an Art of Living faculty member. In December of 2018, my husband, Alok, who had been dealing with a compromised kidney condition for nearly 30 years, reached a critical point—both his kidneys failed. He was rushed to the hospital and put on dialysis, and eventually, he was admitted to the ICU. As if this weren’t enough, complications arose. Alok developed a fever that puzzled the team of specialists attending him—nephrologists, urologists, pulmonologists, internal medicine experts, and ICU doctors. No one could pinpoint the cause, and his condition continued to worsen. The doctors gave us faint hope for his survival.

The uncertainty and fear were overwhelming. My family and I were deeply distraught, not knowing whether Alok would make it. I stayed in constant touch with Gurudev throughout the ordeal, seeking strength and guidance from him. Even in the ICU, I had Alok listen to the Sudarshan Kriya in Gurudev’s voice, praying that the hospital staff wouldn’t stop me. Miraculously, no one did!

During this challenging time, Gurudev visited Delhi, and my daughter and I went to meet him. The moment I saw him, I felt a wave of emotions wash over me. He looked at me kindly and asked, “Kaisa hai?” I was too choked up to answer; I just stood there, unable to speak. He nodded and then left the room briefly. When he returned, he looked straight into my eyes and uttered three magical words: “Main hoon na!”

At that moment, I didn’t fully grasp the significance of what he said. My mind was clouded with worry and anxiety for Alok. But then, the very next day, something miraculous happened—Alok’s condition suddenly improved. The fever subsided, his health stabilized, and the doctors discharged him soon after. It was an unexpected and incredible recovery, something none of the doctors could explain. I still get goosebumps when I think about it.

That was when the full meaning of Gurudev’s words sank in—“Main hoon na!” He was telling me not to worry, that he was with me, and everything would be okay. He had postponed the inevitable, giving Alok and our family more time together. Tears of gratitude flowed as I realized the depth of Gurudev’s grace.

Alok stayed with us for another 18 months. He finally merged into the light on August 28, 2020. Though the doctors had initially given up hope in 2018, Gurudev had extended Alok’s life through sheer grace, giving us an extra year and a half with him. Those months were a precious gift, allowing us to cherish the time we had left as a family.

I still relive those moments, and every time I do, I feel the immense love and compassion of my Guru. My heart overflows with gratitude, and I bow down in complete surrender. Gurudev’s grace has been a constant presence in my life, and I will forever be grateful for his love and care.

Jai Gurudev




  • 4 weeks ago

    Wow amazing stories you have shared here. Amazing blog I came across. Reading all this has inspired me a lot.

  • Leela
    2 weeks ago


  • Leela
    2 weeks ago

    Very touching

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