Certain things in life happen unknowingly and without any explicit effort. Knowing about Gurudev for the first time was one such incident for me. Way back in 2006 I travelled to Bangalore on office work and happened to browse TV channels to pass time on a Sunday. On one of the channels, I spotted a program where a huge gathering of people was singing beautiful Bhajans in chorus while seated on a very large ground in an orderly manner. This scene connected with me and I continued to watch till the end. I realized that this is a live telecast of the celebration of the 50th Birthday of a saintly person where best wishes were pouring from across countries/religions. And I think that was the day when first time Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji took me under his grace even though I was just a curious onlooker through the TV at that time. Within 2 years of this, my movement to Bangalore happened from up North, and as the first thing, I visited AOL Ashram and had Darshan in one of his Satsang Sessions. Since then my heart and mind remain connected with His teachings and my soul has faith in the spiritual energy that drives Him to do wonders in people’s lives. Guruji has a very practical viewpoint on how to be spiritual within worldly affairs without renouncing any aspect of it. Rather he guides our agitated minds to cope with the challenges of daily life with a spiritual outlook and strive for a higher purpose in life. With knowledge as deep as the ocean, a heart as vast as the sky, and wisdom firmly rooted in the ground he coaches us to nurture individuals & society to remain happy and content irrespective of situations around. It amazes me to see that his mediation techniques specially Sudarshan Kriya +ve an impact on people across the globe. I feel so grateful to receive His blessings just by surrendering to Him/almighty with a pure heart. I quote Kabir’s Doha to express my feelings: “ Guru Govind Dau Khade, Kake Lagoon Panaya, Balihari Guru Apno, Govind Dio Bataya .” It means that if God and Guru both come at the same time then also I would first touch the feet of my Guru cause he has brought me near to God. We luv youuuuu oooo Gurruuujjjjiiii. Regards Shobhna Agarwal