The Mysterious Ways of the Divine: Unfolding the Unknown Blessings

The year was 2001, and I was supposed to travel to Kuwait from Abu Dhabi to teach the Sudarshan kriya course, the Basic Course. The flight was scheduled for 2 pm, and I had to leave home by 12 noon latest. The volunteers had worked enthusiastically, and a lot of people had registered for the course.

But at 11 am, I was lying in bed with a 103-degree fever, wondering how I would even make the trip, let alone teach the evening batch scheduled for 7:30 pm. Just then, the phone rang. It was Mohammed Salim, a Yemeni national who had participated in my Abu Dhabi batch of the Basic course conducted a few months ago.

Mohammed asked how I was doing, and I told him about my illness and my impending travel plans. Without hesitation, he told me not to worry and that he would be at my place in five minutes to help me get well enough to fly. Mohammed is a healer who practices the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and his gentle and affectionate approach helped me immensely. After just a short time, my fever went down, and I felt well enough to take a cold shower, dress up, and head to the airport. I made it to the flight on time and taught the course as scheduled.

Later, when Mohammed came to visit me, I asked him how he had known to call me. He said that he had a strong feeling that I was unwell and had called to check on me. That experience taught me that the ways of the divine are mysterious, and that He makes sure that both His devotees and His work are taken care of.

Fast forward to 2022 September, when I was invited to teach the Advanced Meditation Program in Khargar, Navi Mumbai. Once again, I found myself unwell, with unexplained fatigue and a severe eye problem. I was traveling alone from Bangalore, and I jokingly asked my husband if he was worried about me. He replied that he knew that the divine would take care of me, and that He was very selfish when it came to getting His work done. His faith and intimacy with the divine made me wonder if my own faith was as strong as his.

– Leela Ramesh


1 Comment

  • Jayshree
    1 year ago

    So true! Ways of the Divine are indeed Mysterious !
    Have faith & trust & see miracles happening 🤗❤️🌹🌹🌹🌹Jai Gurudev!🙏

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