The Miraculous Journey Triggered by a Simple Question

It was the year 2009… I was in San Francisco, USA, employed at the time with one of India’s big IT companies and on an assignment as a Business Analyst for one of the large US-based banks. Life was good: interesting work in the morning, Satsangs in the evening.

Gurudev was in the US for a few weeks for multiple events across multiple states, and I had taken a few days off from work. I was seeing Him off at the airport—my first and only time to date. My mom had given me strict instructions, over Google Talk, to speak to Gurudev, at least this time. For some reason, I had been unable to speak to Him as a normal person—the mind just goes totally blank in His presence, and all you want to do is just look at Him. Sure, I had asked Him two questions in the past, but that was in a Satsang in the midst of thousands.

This time it was different. We were just a handful of people—a great opportunity to have a real conversation with my Guru. Gurudev was about to leave for the gates to board the flight, and here I was under immense pressure. I had promised my mom that I would speak with Gurudev, and that too in Kannada (my mother tongue). But I just did not know what to say! Then I just blurted out in Kannada: “Guruji, neevu Navratri ge Mysore ge barta iddira?” meaning, “Guruji, are you coming to Mysore this Navratri?”

It was late July at the time, and I was asking Him about a festival which is at the end of September. This festival has always been celebrated in a grand manner at the Art of Living International Center, Bangalore, India—an auspicious period when Gurudev would be in Silence for the initial few days, and many sacred Chantings, Homas, and Pujas are performed throughout the nine days for global wellbeing. Gurudev looked at me and, with all seriousness, asked, “Are you from Mysore?” I sheepishly said, “Yes.” That was the end of the conversation, but I was relieved that I had completed the task given to me by my mom and that I had something to share with her that night over Google Talk. It was a strange conversation, though.

Me: Hi Mom! I spoke to Guruji today, that too in Kannada.

Mom: Great. What did you say? How did it go?

Me: I said, “Guruji, are you coming to Mysore for Navratri?” Guruji said, “Are you from Mysore?” I said, “Yes.”

Mom: <<Facepalm>> End of conversation.

I was back in the office after this short vacation, and a week or so later, I was informed by my manager that I would be released from the project, due to a project funding crunch, by the end of August or the first week of September. Typically, the project resource goes back to the project base location, which in this case was Chandigarh. However, I was asked to go back to my base location, which was Mysore. I only had 2-3 weeks to close my rental agreement, sell my household stuff, my car, etc. But I was happy to be able to go home, that too just a few weeks away from Navratri. And I had multiple farewell parties by the lovely Bay Area Satsang groups.

Back in the Mysore office, on the very first day, I was asked to take a mandatory week off as part of safety precautions (H1/L1 virus scare). Navratri was just a week later, and I was yet to be assigned to any project, so I applied for nine days of leave (post the mandatory one-week ‘forced’ paid vacation). On the same day, I got to know about a week-long Ashtavakra Gita Knowledge session with Chayanna in Hornadu, a beautiful temple town. I was overjoyed that I would now be able to attend that. (Sorry, I became aware of social distancing only after COVID-19… ignorance can be bliss.)

After the blissful week filled with Knowledge, Bhakti, and Music with Chayanna, I returned to Mysore, only to be met with another Divine surprise! Gurudev would be in Mysore on the first day of Navratri! Something we had never heard of before, as all the celebrations happen in Bangalore in Gurudev’s presence. I was present there to greet Gurudev in the Mysore Ashram and then traveled to the Bangalore Ashram to spend the rest of the sacred nine days there (another blog coming soon to narrate the amazing Guru story from that time).

Now, here comes the kicker! Back in the office, after all the 18-20 days of mind-blowing spiritual extravaganza, what was the first official email I receive? An email asking me to join back the same project in San Francisco ASAP!

I had to get a new rental agreement, buy a new car, furniture, and stuff, not to mention go through the friendly teasing from friends to return the farewell gifts! All this for a simple, harmless question blurted out without thought: “Are you coming to Mysore for Navratri, Guruji?” Remember, I said ‘coming’ and not ‘going.’

– Chaitra Chandrashekar


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