Tears of Gratitude are always flowing from my eyes. My whole life is wrapped in Guru’s grace. Words are not enough to describe what I experience each moment! I’m bowing down my head in gratitude every moment as I can’t believe how He steered my life to the right direction.
He’s a visionary who could see the future and takes care of his devotees. He saw my future and took me in His lap. He knew that I’m going to lose my husband so he transported me from Bahrain to Australia so that I can get all the benefits that I needed to give to my kids and settle them well. Each moment He took care of me , strengthened me and nurtured me to become a better teacher. He gave me lot of strength and energy to start AOL chapter in Brisbane, Australia and bring more and more people to the knowledge. He inspired me and lead me to move forward. I knew it was not my energy but some unknown ( KNOWN)power from inside is pushing me to move forward and with full enthusiasm, I kept moving ahead to fulfil his vision of bringing smile on each face. He made me Sahaj teacher then Silence Program teacher .
Advance Course Sydney
I still wonder what have I done to deserve this respect and honour that I get today ! It is all Guru Grace . I was the person who was hesitant to speak in front of 3-4 people ! But now, I can stand with confidence and speak before thousands of people! Who gave me this inner strength ? Only a Guru can transform one’s life and inspire one to move up with dignity and grace !
I have never asked Him for anything . He knows what I need and gives me before I can ever think of asking Him. What else one needs in life ? My whole life is dedicated to my Guru- I want to take this knowledge to each house and will do my seva till my last breath !
Nishi Saran
Brilliant to read. So inspiring. Loved to be part of the sangha in Brisbane. Nishi ji has always guided us when we were doing seva in Alice Springs.
Dear Nishi
Lots of love and more power to you.
Its always an amazing feeling to hear Guru story and experience Guru grace. Thanks for sharing it.