Magical Guru Sankalp: A 1200-Person Satsang Manifested in Less Than 24 Hours in Azerbaijan

By Kanan Mammadov


The power of a Guru’s Sankalpa (intention) can move mountains, and I experienced this firsthand when, in under 24 hours, a massive 1,200-person satsang was organized in Baku, Azerbaijan. The sheer grace and blessings of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar made this seemingly impossible event a reality.

On January 4th, I, Kanan Mammadov, an Art of Living teacher and country coordinator from Azerbaijan, had traveled to Berlin to attend a Masterclass with Gurudev. I was excited to be in His presence and learn from Him directly. Little did I know that this trip would turn into a whirlwind of events that would manifest one of the largest spiritual gatherings in Azerbaijan in such a short span of time.

That evening, after the Masterclass, I had the chance to meet Gurudev personally. During our conversation, He mentioned that on His way back to India from Germany, He would stop over in Baku, Azerbaijan’s capital, for just one night. He suggested that we could organize a public event during His brief stay. Without a second thought, I immediately said, “Yes, Gurudev!”—not fully realizing the challenge that lay ahead.

With His blessings, I booked the earliest flight back to Baku. However, since there were no direct flights available, most of January 5th was spent in transit. By the time I arrived in Baku, it was already late at night, and I had less than 24 hours to organize a grand public event with Gurudev as the central figure.

🌸 The Power of Grace in Action 🌸

January 6th began early, and I hit the ground running. Despite having landed at 1 a.m. just hours before, I was determined to make the event happen. In the early hours of the morning, I managed to confirm a beautiful venue that would be perfect for the occasion. In addition to that, all the logistical arrangements for Gurudev’s stay were finalized, including television interviews to ensure the event received widespread coverage.

The Indian ambassador was also invited, and I even managed to organize a private VIP event at the residence of the president’s daughter. Everything seemed to be falling into place by some unseen force, beyond any of my personal efforts.

By midday, the artwork and event registration link for the public satsang went live. Within just four hours, an astonishing 650 people had registered! By evening, that number had climbed to 850, and by the time we were close to the event, over 1,200 people had signed up, with 12 hours still left to go. I was left in awe of how everything was unfolding so smoothly and so quickly.

🌸 Two Sessions to Meet the Demand 🌸

Due to the overwhelming response and over-subscription, it became clear that one session would not be enough to accommodate everyone who wanted to attend. Not wanting to disappoint anyone, Gurudev graciously agreed to hold two sessions that night, ensuring that every attendee had a chance to be in His presence.

An entire satsang event, complete with hundreds of attendees, TV coverage, and VIP engagements, had been organized in less than 24 hours. This was nothing short of a miracle, a testament to the power of grace and the Sankalpa of a true Master.

When the possible has been made possible, the impossible becomes effortless.

Jai Gurudev!



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