Sri Sri Stories
As an ardent devotee of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar Ji, I find it almost impossible to express the inexpressible. But today, on the occasion of Guru Purnima, I feel compelled to sing the glory of the Guru Principle and the immeasurable love and compassion of my beloved Gurudev. From a very young age, I have felt the presence of an unseen, loving hand guiding me through life’s most difficult times. Even amid the impossible, I have witnessed miraculous outcomes that I know could only have come through the grace and force of God. I learned early on that with purity in heart and God’s grace, harm cannot come to us. But when I lost my younger brother in 1998, I found it hard to reconcile with life’s unfairness. I slipped into depression and began questioning God’s ways. Then, two months later, I was introduced to the Art of Living Basic Course (now called the Happiness Program) by a friend and my husband. Little did I know that behind the course was a spiritual Master from my hometown, speaking my mother tongue, Kannada. The course contents impressed my intellect, but the real transformation came during the Eye Gazing process, where tears flowed from my eyes, and I felt my brother’s presence in every pair of eyes I gazed into. I realized that we are all connected and that consciousness is one. The cleansing and recovery from grief process started from there on. I practiced Sudarshan Kriya every morning, it would bring all my pent-up emotions to surface and I would shed copious tears remembering my brother. ‘why did you have to leave so early? Life is so beautiful’. ‘Anyway, don’t worry about anything. Everything will be taken care of. You rest in peace’. One early morning he appeared in a lucid dream looking so healthy in a pure white kurta pajama which he never wore when he was in the body. I was standing on the ground looking up at him standing on a balcony high above. There was a kind of detachment in his demeaner, quite in contrast to my eagerness to connect. He had truly crossed over! In another dream, I saw myself mothering him as he laid his head on my knees and there was a close connection. He told me lovingly ‘If you keep grieving for me like this, constantly, how can I rest in peace? :. I got the message. I was disturbing him. That was the last time I cried for him after doing Kriya. I knew he was in a much happier space. Since then, my husband and I have made seva (selfless service) our priority in life. The journey was not easy, but Gurudev never promised comfort at all times. Instead, He says that comfort brings boredom, and discomfort helps us appreciate joy in totality. I feel secure in the knowledge that I will be given what is needed at the right time. I have learned to value love above everything else, seeing Gurudev shower unconditional love, and I feel uniquely loved by Him, more than even my parents have ever loved me. I have not become rich, famous, or powerful, but I am gradually losing my limited identity. Spirituality is a game of losing. Here one who loses all is a winner. I do not have the feverishness to be near Gurudev as I feel His presence all the time, but I cherish taking His Darshan when my longing becomes intense. In closing, I want to share what Gurudev has said in His Promise poem, where He reminds us that desires, whether fulfilled or unfulfilled, bring frustration, and that we should always strive for something higher. Jai Guru Dev! Leela Ramesh
I signed up for part 2 after my friend encouraged me to do so. Additionally, with Gurudev visiting Houston, I was curious to find out who this person was that had such a significant influence on people’s lives.
The Part 2 program in Houston in October 2008 was nothing short of amazing. Gurudev came in three times, gave discourses, conducted meditation, and even led Sports Yoga! I was in silence, standing by, when he was walking out after the discourse. I wanted to see him up close and take a detailed look at him. As he passed by, he looked at me and asked, “What is your name?” I couldn’t explain what went through my mind. It was a great
experience, and I was totally transfixed, but I thoroughly enjoyed his presence and blurted out my full name, forgetting that I was supposed to be in silence. That moment, that question from him, made so many changes in me. I was taken aback by his knowledge and his spontaneous responses to questions. I look forward to having more interactions with him. Jai Gurudev
Dearest Gurudev, I take this golden opportunity to express my gratitude to you on Gurupurnima! Gurudev, you came into my life when I needed you the most. I can never forget my first meeting with you, which was indeed a wonderful surprise. Even today, when I think about it, I still wonder whether it was a beautiful dream because I just can’t believe those precious moments when I got to interact with you and how you blessed me and gifted me whatever I wished!
Gurudev, you have blessed me with two beautiful angels, and I know you will always be with me and continue showering your grace on me and my family always! Thank you so much Gurudev for everything!!! Feeling truly blessed! I would just like to tell each one of you who has joined the AOL family to continue doing the kriya and meditation with utmost faith and surrender to the divine Gurudev. He is always there to protect and guide us. Jai Gurudev!
I used to be an atheist and firmly believed that science alone created the world without the intervention of any god or guru. However, in April 1992, when my friends and I went to a nearby temple, I stumbled upon a discourse by Sri Sri, without knowing who he was. I saw the bearded man on the stage distributing prasadam and everyone was happy. I too was drawn into the positive energy and decided to take his blessings before leaving.
Years later, I found myself in the ashram doing the Part 1 course, followed by Part 2, DSN, and Sahaj. I couldn’t believe that Gurudev had transformed me from an atheist to a priest. I am still awed by the power that he exudes with just a glance. How did it all happen? Who knows? But I am grateful to have such a wonderful master, and it’s his grace that keeps me going. I love my master because he pulled me towards him when I knew nothing about him.
(Jai Gurudev, Ravi)
Walking up the interlocked concrete roads, uphill, from the parking lot and past the divine stores, I am out of breath when I finally reach this sacred place. Grateful for a spot to sit and close my eyes, I take a moment to catch my breath as the cool breeze offers comfort to my wet back and shoulders.
It has been quite a while since I last made eye contact with Gurudev, and I wait patiently, sometimes meditating with my eyes closed before opening them in anticipation of his arrival.
And finally, Gurudev arrives, holding a lotus in his right hand and dressed in full white, his hair waving rhythmically in the breeze. I kneel and wait for him to approach. As he draws nearer, I look up to him and he acknowledges me with raised eyebrows, which then turn into a smile. He pats my head with the lotus and moves on, the white angavastram caressing my face.
On another day, after playing cricket with my new bat that cost only Rs. 3, I take my bat proudly and head home. Running on the rough hard soil of the pitch, sweating all over, a few runs scored, and then it’s my turn to bowl and field. As the sun begins to set on the western horizon, I know it’s time to go home. Once home, I wash my face and legs randomly, and as I enter the kitchen, my mother scans me and takes the end of her saree to wipe the sweat and water from my face. Even though I resist, the touch of her cotton saree across my face gives me comfort and reminds me of her unconditional love for me.
As Gurudev walks away, the white sheet of cloth reminds me of my mother’s love, and then he turns back and smiles at me, confirming and acknowledging that he too loves and cares for me in the same way.
Overwhelmed with gratitude and happiness, tears roll down my eyes as I realize that Gurudev will always be there for me, and will love me regardless of my mistakes. I bow down my head, close my eyes and sit silently until the emotions pass.
(By Ramesh Jalihal, Bangalore.)
Once in June 2014, as I walked from my room to the amphitheater for the evening Satang at the Art of Living Bangalore ashram, I stopped on the way as I noticed Gurudev’s car parked outside a hall which was under construction. Two people were waiting for him outside. I peeped in to take a look, there he was, small in height as compared to the tall men he was surrounded with, but towering above them all in demeanor. After a rather unhappy and emotionally turbulent day, I did not feel like going for Satsang. I just wanted to hide in my room and not bother anyone with the sadness and pain that I felt. But here I was, waiting for my Gurudev outside that hall. He was giving instructions for further construction of the hall. As he came out, a smile automatically came to my face and with folded hands, I just stood there looking at him. Once he was done with the inspection, he suddenly looked in my direction and gave a sweet smile and waved at me. I couldn’t utter a word. I continued to smile and stare at him. Then I thought he would just sit in his car and go for Satsang, as he usually does. He never ever walks down from that place to the amphitheater, due to the massive crowds that line up to greet him. But that day he decided to walk! “Ready for the chaos?” said my Master, turning around and laughing lovingly at us.
He’s never been afraid for himself, for his own security. He just walks on with confidence! By that time, I was grinning and I was walking right behind him, following his footsteps to wherever he walked. There were only seven of us, so this could happen easily. After a point, I realized that I had come to walk right next to him. He was saying something to someone, but I never heard the words. I just looked at him silently. I felt that words were not needed at that moment. I was overwhelmed that Gurudev and I were walking together. He was walking down to the amphitheater silently, when some devotees turned around and finally took notice of his presence. “Oye!” one devotee exclaimed. Many others turned around to see, equally surprised at seeing Gurudev walking down towards them. All of us walking with Gurudev burst out laughing at that devotee’s exclamation. Gurudev too, laughed along and gave the widest and most innocent grin. My gaze was fixed on him and I helped set aside the huge crowd that clamored around him. Being rather tiny and petite, I was lost amidst the crowd as Gurudev walked on. I didn’t struggle to go forward and meddle in the crowd. I was content. My heart was so full of love, as I watched Gurudev walk to his seat, smiling as ever. I can’t recall what bhajan played that moment to greet him for Satsang, but I can recall how good it made me feel. Then it struck me – HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! He knew that I would have pined in my loneliness, so he came to my rescue! The Divine worked in such mysterious ways. This was so much more than just a few beautiful moments spent with my Lord, it was a beautiful realization. His love was an instant healing balm on my self-inflicted wounds. As I sat down with the realization that I was being taken care of at all times, I felt tears of gratitude trickle down my face.
This was Gurudev’s way of showing his love for me. When I had no expectations, he had given me the sweetest surprise. I felt so lucky to have him in my life and valued it beyond comprehension – Aashna
If I too can be a blade of grass under his feet,
in his long journey and walks of thousands of miles,
I would be content.
To give cushion to the innumerable tired feet of his devotees,
to bow down to every single soul walking on the path of divine consciousness,
to learn to rejoice and sway during his presence,
and just be when he is not around.
If I can be a blade of grass,
keep me however and wherever,
in happiness or in difficult times,
just to be in your “smaran.”
I would tell every single grain of soil which nurtured me
that I too was present there when HE walked on this planet,
and will wait for a thousand years again,
even if completely dried and burnt,
to have your “charan sparsh.”
I will be a blade of grass, water or no water,
however, you keep me, just assure me
that in the thousands of years to come,
if you can walk just once over me,
and if I can give you comfort for a split second,
I will remain a blade of grass.
For you, and for you, forever,
with you in my heart and every action of mine
to contribute to YOUR will
I will remain, a blade of grass.
(Ramesh Jalihal)
I was attending a 7-day Advanced Meditation Program with Bhagavad Gita Live discourse by Gurudev at our Bangalore Ashram. As I made my way to Saraswathi Hall for the Gita session, my mind and heart were at war. It seemed like I might have to forego serving the vision of my Guru due to a family situation.
As I reached the hall, I found two corner chairs vacant in the second row, which was a wonder considering the hall was already overfull. Overcome with stress, I dozed off during the Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya chanting, missing the moment when Gurudev walked in and the discourse started.
Suddenly, I felt a tap on my right shoulder, and when I turned to look, there was no one there. I was wide awake, and I felt Gurudev’s piercing eyes staring right at me, saying, “Arjuna, keep me with you and fight the war.” All my misery dissolved in that very instant, and I realized that He had heard my prayers.
Although I may have to attend to family priorities for a short spell of time, my seva continues till date, and I am grateful for the skill Gurudev has given me to manage both my home front and my path as a seeker. It is the ultimate blessing to be part of the divine vision and contribute my bit, with my husband walking alongside me.
Thanks to the love and compassion of my Guru, I am stronger, steadier, and more balanced. It has been the ultimate blessing, next only to the joy of motherhood. (Leela Ramesh Bangalore)
It’s difficult to put into words how much the Sudarshan Kriya has changed my life. Since learning this spiritual practice, I’ve experienced a profound transformation. My body has been detoxified, my mind has become more focused, my energy levels have increased, and my digestion has improved. I feel blessed to have discovered this way of living.
During a follow-up kriya in Gurudev’s voice, I encountered a technical issue where the sound wasn’t coming through. I prayed to him, and after a few minutes, the sound was back to normal. It was a wonderful reminder that Gurudev is always there to listen when you speak from the heart. As he once said,
‘भगवान को खोजने मत निकलो ,बस भक्त को खोज लो ,भगवान मिल ही गए समझो`
Translation: (“Don’t set out to find God, just find a devotee. You will surely find God.”)
Jaigurudev! Koushiki Gupta
My name is Uthama Shankar, and I am a teacher by profession and a proud mother of two lovely kids. In 2005, my brother introduced me to the Art of Living Program, which I enjoyed immensely. I was actively involved in Seva projects and Satsangs, but after getting married and having children, I couldn’t continue my practice actively. However, in 2017, I met AnupUnnikrishnan Ji, who helped me return to my path of meditation with his constant support and loving guidance. During the lockdown in 2020, I also completed the Sri Sri Sanskar Kendra Teachers’ Training Program, which helped me learn how to nurture children and inculcate Indian cultural values in them.
My own children attended the Sanskar Kendra classes, and I noticed a significant difference in their behavior. They now enjoy sitting and chanting for a few minutes every day, and they’re eager to hear stories from Indian scriptures. As a parent, I’ve learned to appreciate my children as individual divine souls and communicate more skillfully with them instead of losing my temper on small issues. This has brought harmony and peace to our home.
During the Covid pandemic, when there was so much negativity around, the Art of Living family held each other with so much love. Gurudev organized many meditations, Satsangs, and online courses that kept us all busy and happy. The Prana Shakti we received through Kriya, Satsang, and Seva kept us all healthy and joyful. On the auspicious occasion of Guru Poornima, I express my gratitude to our beloved Master for sharing profound wisdom with the world in such simple ways.
Although I now live in Berlin, Germany, I know that I will never be alone because Gurudev has created a family for all of us worldwide. Vasudeva Kutumbakam!
Wishing everyone a happy Guru Poornima! 😊😊
Love, Uthama