Sri Sri Stories
In 2010, I had the profound privilege of meeting Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar at the Bangalore International Ashram. This divine encounter had an unforeseen consequence: my husband, Pritam Mahadik, and I became an Art of Living teacher, which was an incredible blessing.
Our lives have since been interwoven with Guru stories, but one particular event, from March 2016, stands out. It was the celebration of Art of Living’s 35-year journey and the grand World Culture Festival on the banks of the Yamuna River in Delhi.
Despite numerous challenges and negative media coverage, our faith in Gurudev’s Sankalpa remained unshaken. We decided to make it a family event, and we secured our tickets well in advance. This, however, coincided with our son Atharva’s final school exams. We met with his school principal to explain the situation and secured her consent for him to miss two papers. In our hearts, it was a family function with the Art of Living.
The festival proved to be a heavenly and mesmerizing experience, with echoes of Lord Krishna’s divine Raas Leela on the banks of the Yamuna 5,000 years ago.
As the festival came to an end on March 18, 2016, Gurudev declared that there would be no further events on the 19th. Overwhelmed by the thought of not seeing Gurudev the next day and the profound sense of belonging, I was brought to tears. It was a heartfelt moment as we began our journey back to the main gate, about 3 kilometers away, around 11 pm.
However, in a moment that can only be described as a miracle, a small car approached from a narrow lane. Gurudev was seated beside the driver, extending his hand in our direction. The car came to a stop, and Gurudev gave us his darshan. My tears of sorrow transformed into tears of joy.
This was a remarkable event, a testament to Gurudev’s boundless grace. He had chosen to arrive from a small lane in a modest car instead of taking the secure and well-trodden path. He had sensed the intense longing for a single devotee among the thousands and responded in the most unexpected and extraordinary way.
In this poignant moment, Gurudev reminded us that he is accessible to all, regardless of social strata or societal status. His unconditional love and blessings know no bounds, and all we need to receive them is faith, devotion, and complete surrender.
This was our Guru story, a testament to Gurudev’s unfathomable reach and the depth of his connection with his devotees.
Jai Guru Dev.
Nayna Pritam Mahadik
Meeting Gurudev was a lifelong dream, one that had eluded me despite attending his darshans from a distance. The desire to speak to him, to express my deep connection, remained unfulfilled until June 2023.
Gurudev was back from his tour, and I couldn’t contain my excitement upon learning that he would grace the Art of Living Centre in Bangalore with his darshan. Hope surged within me; this was my chance to glimpse the spiritual luminary and, perhaps, exchange a few words.
As my wife and I reached the center, eager anticipation gave way to disappointment. The tickets for the darshan, scheduled inside the majestic Vishalakshi Mandap, were sold out. We were left with one last glimmer of hope – to stand outside the hall, waiting for Gurudev to pass by in his car.
Anxiety welled up in my chest as dark clouds gathered overhead. What if the heavens opened up, forcing us to leave? What if my ailing leg, undergoing treatment, couldn’t bear the wait? My silent prayer to Gurudev became my solace, a plea for his blessings.
Then, the unexpected unfolded.
Two strangers, whom I assumed were volunteers from the center, approached us. They singled out my wife, a young girl, and me, waiting patiently in line. Without explanation, they beckoned us to follow them into the Vishalakshi Mandap, the sacred ground where Gurudev would meet the ticketed attendees.
Stunned and perplexed, I struggled to comprehend what was transpiring. How had they chosen us? What gave them the authority to grant us access? Before I could articulate my queries, one of them said something that silenced my doubts: “Say thank you to Gurudev.”
In that moment, I understood that this was Gurudev’s divine orchestration. He had heard my unspoken prayer and responded in a way that defied reason. Among the throngs of devotees, he had chosen us to receive his exceptional grace. We were invited into the divine embrace of Gurudev himself.
Finally, an encounter that had long existed as a distant dream became an astonishing reality. I was granted the opportunity to speak to Gurudev within the hallowed Vishalakshi Mandap. The experience was beyond belief, a once-in-a-lifetime moment that rendered me speechless with gratitude and uncontainable joy.
As I pen these words, my skin prickles with emotion. This incident epitomizes the boundless reach of Gurudev’s grace and his unwavering attention to his devotees. It serves as a testament to the depth of connection that can be forged with a spiritual luminary.
In moments that defy logic, the divine plan unfolds. Gurudev’s love knows no bounds, and he works in mysterious ways to draw his devotees closer. My heart brims with gratitude for this miraculous encounter.
Gurudev’s call can reach even the most unlikely of places, guiding us to the light of his presence. I share this story not only as a testimony but also as an affirmation that Gurudev’s attention knows no bounds, and his grace is accessible to all who seek it.
Jai Guru Dev!
Anand Manvi
In December 2009, I embarked on a journey that would forever change my life. Having been a part of the Art of Living community for just over four years, I was eager to attend an advanced course in Rishikesh, in the divine presence of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Rishikesh’s serene and spiritual ambiance was the perfect backdrop for a spiritual sojourn.
I arrived in Rishikesh a day before the course was set to begin, not only for the mandatory course registration but also because I held a deep desire to seek Gurudev’s blessings, even if it meant just catching a glimpse of Him.
However, things didn’t go as planned. Gurudev was engaged in meetings, and I was informed that the chances of a darshan were slim since it was already past 10 PM. I felt a wave of disappointment, but I refused to give up.
Wandering by the Ganges, I looked at Gurudev from a distance and silently wondered what it would take to meet Him that night. Tears welled up in my eyes as I yearned for this chance. After a disheartening 45-minute wait, with no sign of a meeting in sight, I phoned my mother for consolation and began walking back to my room.
But in an unexpected turn of events, the volunteer at Gurudev’s kutir opened the gate and invited me in. He had received instructions from Gurudev Himself to let all waiting devotees enter. It was surreal. With renewed hope, I entered the kutir and found my place on the ground floor balcony, where Gurudev would meet us.
It was a modest gathering, consisting of only a family of four and myself. When Gurudev entered, he smiled at me, and that moment made my day. He called me toward Him, and I approached Him on my knees. With a voice filled with concern, He inquired about my name and profession. I replied, “Ameya, Guruji,” and explained that I was a Part 1 teacher working at HSBC and participating in Satsang’s whenever possible.
With a smile brimming with love, Gurudev addressed my desire for direct access to Him. He assured me, “Yes, you have my access. Come whenever you want, and no one will stop you. I will take you on a tour with me. Talk to Jaina in the secretariat.” The promise was sealed with a warm hug.
My joy knew no bounds. What had started as a simple wish to catch a glimpse of Gurudev had turned into an extraordinary moment. His commitment to granting me total access and the prospect of accompanying Him on a tour exceeded my wildest dreams.
This story underscores the fact that Gurudev’s love and blessings are available to all, regardless of their social standing or stature in society. All that is required is faith, devotion, and complete surrender. I share this story to convey that a similar miracle could happen to you tomorrow.
Jai Guru Dev.
The year was 2001, and I was supposed to travel to Kuwait from Abu Dhabi to teach the Sudarshan kriya course, the Basic Course. The flight was scheduled for 2 pm, and I had to leave home by 12 noon latest. The volunteers had worked enthusiastically, and a lot of people had registered for the course.
But at 11 am, I was lying in bed with a 103-degree fever, wondering how I would even make the trip, let alone teach the evening batch scheduled for 7:30 pm. Just then, the phone rang. It was Mohammed Salim, a Yemeni national who had participated in my Abu Dhabi batch of the Basic course conducted a few months ago.
Mohammed asked how I was doing, and I told him about my illness and my impending travel plans. Without hesitation, he told me not to worry and that he would be at my place in five minutes to help me get well enough to fly. Mohammed is a healer who practices the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and his gentle and affectionate approach helped me immensely. After just a short time, my fever went down, and I felt well enough to take a cold shower, dress up, and head to the airport. I made it to the flight on time and taught the course as scheduled.
Later, when Mohammed came to visit me, I asked him how he had known to call me. He said that he had a strong feeling that I was unwell and had called to check on me. That experience taught me that the ways of the divine are mysterious, and that He makes sure that both His devotees and His work are taken care of.
Fast forward to 2022 September, when I was invited to teach the Advanced Meditation Program in Khargar, Navi Mumbai. Once again, I found myself unwell, with unexplained fatigue and a severe eye problem. I was traveling alone from Bangalore, and I jokingly asked my husband if he was worried about me. He replied that he knew that the divine would take care of me, and that He was very selfish when it came to getting His work done. His faith and intimacy with the divine made me wonder if my own faith was as strong as his.
– Leela Ramesh
नमस्कार, मेरा नाम नमिता कुमारी है। मैं सेल सिटी रांची की रहने वाली हूं। मैं MCA Final Year की छात्रा हूं। मैंने एक साल तक Heavy Engineering Corporation में भी काम किया है साथ ही साथ मेरी पढ़ाई भी जारी रही। मैंने Happiness Program 2016 में किया था, और उसके बाद मैंने अपने भीतर ही बहुत बड़ा परिवर्तन देखा। मैंने ये अनुभव किया कि मेरी क्षमता और भी पहले से बेहतर होती जा रही है। मेरी Close Friend ने मुझे course suggest किया था इस के बारे में बताया था, और ये मेरे लिए काफी फायदेमंद रह।
इतने सालों में तो मेरा अनुभव बेहतरीन रहा है, बोहोत से गुरु Stories भी रहे है, (गुरु Stories उनको कहा जाता है जब हम कोई मुसीबत या ऐसी परिस्थिति में होते जब हमें लगता है अब कुछ भी ठीक नहीं हो सकता सबकुछ खराब हो गया, और ठीक तब ही हमें गुरु का अनुभव मिलता है, और उसके बाद अचानक से सबकुछ पहले से और भी बेहतर होने लगता है।) मुझे अपने गुरु के होने का आभास है, वो शुद्ध तत्व हैं, वो हम सब में है और सबके साथ है। मैं हमेशा से एक समाज सेवक के रूप में काम करना चाहती थी , और Art Of Living एक बेहतरीन Platform है, जहां हम सभी स्वतंत्र रूप से सीख तो सकते ही है , साथ ही प्रशिक्षण प्राप्त करने के बाद सिखा भी सकते है।
मैं सुदर्शन किर्या के बारे में बताना चाहूंगी जो कि एक सांस की प्रक्रिया है , जिससे लोगों को उनके सामान्य जीवन जीने में एक अलग तरह का उत्साह मिलता है, और उसके साथ ही अच्छा स्वास्थ्य, अच्छा मन, अच्छा विचार एक साथ महसुस किया जाता है। बहुत से लोगों के जीवन में बहुत से बदलाव आए हैं और ऐसे लोग जो पहले बोहोत परेशान हुआ करते थे वो अब वो दूसरो की सहायता करते हैं, समाज सवा करते हैं वो भी खुले मन से। सुदर्शन किर्या हमें भीतर से स्वतंत्र करता है , मजबूत करता है और सशक्त बनाता है, ताकि हम एक अहिंसा, जनकल्याण, एवं मन से स्वतंत्र सामाज स्थापित कर सके। मैं आप सभी से निवेदन करती हु कि अपना किमती वक्त निकालकर ज़रूर से इस Happiness Program को करें। इस मूल्यवान जीवन की महत्ता को समझते हुए, थोड़ा ध्यान अपनी सांसों की भी तरफ ले जाए। धन्यवाद।
कृपा ही केवलम,कृपा ही केवलम।
कृपा ही केवलम, शरण्ये।
शरणागतहम, शरणागतहम।
शरणागतहम, शरण्ये।।
जय गुरु शरणम, जय गुरु शरणम।
जय गुरु शरणम, शरण्ये।।
जय गुरुदेव!!!
अपने जीवन में गुरु के प्रति कृतज्ञता व्यक्त करने के लिए उपरोक्त पंक्तियां मेरी समझ में सर्वोत्तम हैं।
यूं तो मेरा पूरा जीवन ही गुरु कृपा से ओत प्रोत है या यूं कहें कि गुरु की उपस्तिथि मात्र से ही जीवन उत्सव सा हो गया है। इसमें कुछ घटनाएं ऐसी हैं जिन्हें याद कर आज भी वो सुखद यादें जाग उठती हैं। इन्ही सुखद यादों को संजोकर मैं अपने जीवन की एक छोटी सी गुरु स्टोरी साझा कर रहा हूं। इसे मैं अपने जीवन का स्वर्णिम काल भी कहता हूं। साल 2008, जब मैं अपने सबसे कठिन दौर से गुजर रहा था। नौकरी की तलाश में दर दर की ठोकरें खाता हुआ मैं बहोत परेशान रहा करता था। बैंगलोर की इतनी तेज जीवन शैली एवं स्वार्थ भरी मानसिकता से मैं पूर्ण रूप से ऊर्जाविहीन हो चुका था। जीवन में चारों तरफ नकारात्मकता का बसेरा था। ऐसे में जीवन में गुरु का पदार्पण अंधेरे में आशा की किरण की तरह ही था इसमें कोई संशय नहीं है। Yes+ एवं Dsn कोर्स ने मेरी पूरी जीवनशैली ही बदल दी।
जनवरी 2009 में बैंगलोर आश्रम में प्रथम एडवांस कोर्स करने का मौका मिला। इसमें मौन का बड़ा ही अद्वितीय अनुभव रहा। पहली बार ऐसा लगा जैसे चलते चलते मैं बादल सा हो गया हूं एवं हवा में तैर रहा हूं। मैं अपने को शरीर से अलग महसूस कर पा रहा था एवं बहुत ही आरामदायक एवं सुखद अवस्था को अनुभव कर पा रहा था जबकि भौतिक रूप से मेरे पास कोई सुख सुविधा का संसाधन नहीं था। यह प्रगाढ़ अनुभव की सुख का श्रोत मैं ही हूं मुझे आज भी अविस्मृत है। मैं अपने उस कठिन समय में अपने गुरु के द्वारा दिए गए अदभुत प्रेम को याद कर आज भी अभिभूत हो जाता हूं एवं कृतज्ञता के आंसू आंखों में भर जाते हैं। इसके बाद से ही जीवन को देखने का नजरिया ही बदल गया। इस नए जीवन के लिए इस गुरु पूर्णिमा पर गुरु चरणों को शत शत नमन।
जय गुरुदेव!!!
I discovered the Art of Living in 2017 when I attended a Happiness Program in my college. At first, I was simply looking for a new experience, but what I gained from the workshop was beyond my expectations. I felt an immense sense of happiness, contentment, and freedom that filled every cell of my being. Inspired by the transformation I experienced, I started sharing my newfound knowledge with friends and family, and before I knew it, I was organizing workshops for others as well.
Through regular practice of Sudarshan Kriya and Meditation, I continued to flourish. Not only did my studies improve, but I also became a gold medalist and the top performer in my department. I found that I was able to balance my academic pursuits with my seva, or service, to others, all while continuing to organize and teach Art of Living courses.
After two and a half years, I decided to attend the Teachers Training Program at the Art of Living International Center in Bangalore. Initially hesitant to become a teacher, I trusted in the wisdom of my mentors and teachers and completed the program with full dedication. Becoming the youngest teacher at age 22, I realized that meeting Gurudev was the ultimate goal of my journey.
Today, I consider myself one of the luckiest people to have been chosen by Gurudev himself to spread happiness and knowledge through the Art of Living. Thanks to his blessings and the support of the best mentors, team, and group of individuals who are dedicated to uplifting others, I am now able to teach in a school, pursue my PhD, and continue organizing and teaching AOL workshops both online and offline.
I have witnessed firsthand how people from all walks of life eagerly await the teachings of Gurudev, Sudarshan Kriya, and Meditation. It is my unshakable faith in Gurudev that has enabled me to manage the many challenges of balancing work and study while continuing to spread the Art of Living’s message of peace and happiness.
Jayashree (Ranchi)
When I first met Gurudev, I saw him on stage at an advanced course I was attending. Though I couldn’t quite fathom who or what he was, I admired the wisdom of his words and his humor and was filled with gratitude for the practices and knowledge with which he had transformed my life.
I saw him as a wise and wonderful man. Later that evening, he did “darshan,” i.e. going around to every person and handing them a little bag of nuts. When he came around to me to give me a little bag of nuts, he looked in my eyes, it must have been for half a second.
I stood transfixed. I felt such a wave of love coming from him that I quite nearly fell over! In that split second, which seemed like an hour due to its power, I realized why people say that “love conquers all” and that love is the most powerful thing in the world. In that moment, I realized that these sayings were all true. And that a being so full of love is capable of transforming the whole world…because what everyone WANTS…is Love… I felt in that moment that Gurudev could transform and bring out the best in anyone, even Saddam Hussein, through his very gaze of love…
Though we see Love in him, Gurudev tells us that we are the source of Love. We keep looking for it outside of us, but Gurudev points his finger back inside us. Our need to look outside of us is SO strong that he has come here to be with us, to manifest love, so that we would pay attention to his message – the message to turn back inside and seek for the divine where we had not yet looked for it: inside. Gurudev is a manifestation of love, and in his essence, he is a manifestation of our true potential as human beings. He does not tell us that we can be like him, he tells us that we are like him. He is here to show us who we really are. Do not make any excuses to miss the opportunity to meet Gurudev and to encounter yourself. There is no excuse.
As a seeker of both spirituality and worldly success, my journey has been a mixed bag of confusion and clarity. I’ve tried various paths, sometimes moving forward with triple speed, and sometimes getting nowhere. However, through it all, Guruji has been a constant source of guidance and support.
From the beginning of my spiritual journey, Guruji and Sudarshan Kriya helped me build a strong foundation in rationality, which kept me grounded and composed during times of upheaval. Whether I needed to let go of worries or seek consistent blessings, Guruji was always there. Understanding that there is more to life than the usual conundrums we face has been a vital aspect of my spiritual journey, and Guruji has been instrumental in helping me reach that understanding.
Recently, I had the opportunity to interact with Guruji during a college-organized webinar. I had many burning questions about finding purpose in a consumerist world, and Guruji provided answers to them all. He emphasized the importance of focusing on what matters, doing your bit, and not asking what’s in it for you. This is the solution the world needs, and for me, Guruji is an embodiment of that answer and much more. He is a spiritual master who is a constant source of light, guiding me through confusion and helping me find clarity. Jai Gurudev!
I picked up the bad habit of smoking during my university days. While I enjoyed it for a few years, later it became a troublesome and sticky habit that was taking a toll on my body and mind. I used to cough severely during and after Sudarshan Kriya. I tried all means to quit, but failed every time.
One day, I watched a video of Gurudev where he mentioned two important points: first, a bad habit is something that you regret doing, and if you don’t do it, you feel unhappy; and secondly, one can quit smoking by pledging not to smoke for some interval of time initially. These two thoughts were planted in my head, and I decided to at least not smoke on Thursdays, as it is Guruwar. I was successful, but I couldn’t quit, and the first thing I used to do on Friday mornings was to smoke. After 12 years of smoking, I felt tired of this habit and was losing myself to it.
It was my 30th birthday, and I turned up at the Bangalore Ashram without much planning. Coincidentally, Gurudev happened to be there. We did Satsang, and as usual, he asked if it was anyone’s birthday, and I raised my hand. He looked at me, gave me a shawl and a flower, and I said to him, “Gurudev, the only thing I want is to quit smoking. I’ve tried for years, but I surrender to you now as I cannot quit.” Gurudev smiled and said, “Don’t feel guilty; you will be fine.”
After this, I traveled to the UK, and in the next month, I smoked heavily. One day, I went for a follow-up Kriya (this was after a long gap), and the teacher randomly read a knowledge point from a book that read, “A bad habit is something that if you do, you regret, but if you don’t, you feel unhappy.” I never picked up a cigarette again in my life after more than a decade of smoking. Not only did I quit smoking, but I did it in the most effortless way due to the grace and blessings from Gurudev. It was the best birthday gift ever! Regards,