Art of Living Helped me Quit Bad Habits

I was consumed with an intense desire to visit the Bangalore Ashram to do a Part 2 course with Gurudev. This happened almost instantly, the Ashram (Heaven on earth) with 3500 + participants, seva in the Kitchen innards, the Cowshed, the Gardens, Sumeru Mantap, Vishalakshi Mandap, the Elephants, lakes, all drew my breath away. Now I wanted to be rid of my Alcoholism and Tobacco habit. I filled out this problem on a piece of paper, and placed it the Botheration Basket. Now, my idea of drinking was to drink like there was never a tomorrow, a bottle and beyond per sitting. The events that followed after this visit to the Ashram in the presence of Gurudev is nothing short of a miracle.

After a few days I had gone to a dinner party along with my wife where alcohol was free flowing, and as usual I was in full form. I continued drinking till I blacked out. The next day I had to face my wife’s wrath, as friends helped me sit in the car, she drove me back and I puked on reaching home, and I messily ate non vegetarian food (by this time I was very strongly averted to any kind of non veg).That very instant I made a firm decision to quit alcohol and tobacco once and for all, and I have not looked back ever since.

My botheration that I had put in the basket to overcome this bad habit of alcoholism indeed was solved and taken care by Guruji when I came back from ashram.

However we are, He always accepts us, teaches us, wants us to grow more and more and fulfill our desires.

All we have to do is have faith and strong determination.

Jai Guru Dev


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